H is for "h-bar"...
Self-induced transparency

"Self-induced transparency" is a self focusing optical phenomenon.

Along with superradiance it might manifest in the context of ordered water in the hollow microtubule core, allowing coherent photons to propagate coherently...


Jibu M, Hagan S, Pribram K, Hameroff SR, Yasue K: Quantum optical coherence in cytoskeletal microtubules: implications for brain function. BioSystems, 32:195-209, 1994.

Hameroff, SR: Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Advanced Water Sciences Symposium, Dallas, TX, 1996 (forthcoming). - on the web

Frohlich modes

Multiple Order Harmonics and the Quantum Energy Generator by James Robitaille [May 2020 Shelter in Place Special - EXPIRES MAY 31st: Get 50% off all 2018-19 A&P Presentations, using coupon code, MAY50 (case sensitive), in the shopping cart for each purchase.]

Total Relaxation, Mind Power Products
Research Multiwave Oscillators by Georges Lakhovsky