Trouble Maker: GMO seeds cannot be removed

16 years ago

Scientists in Sweden found genetically engineered canola plants springing up in a test field 10 years after engineered seeds were…

Kirlian Photography captures bioenergetic information

16 years ago

Extract from Col. Tom Bearden's "Bioenergy Collectors:" Spark discharges, such as are used in Kirlian photography, are extremely good collectors…

Poison Updates on Vaccine Policies

16 years ago

In case you have not been keeping track, there have been regular updates at the page, U.S. Policy for Vaccines…

Bioenergetic Research on Vanishing Bees

16 years ago

Extract from The Scotsman: Good vibrations could save vanishing bees Published Date: 26 April 2008 By Jenny Haworth IT IS…

Programmed Cell Death

16 years ago

There are hypochodriacs out there who latch onto this concept of programmed death - especially when scientists come along and…

Earth Day Remembers North Pacific Trash Gyre

16 years ago

On this particular Earth Day, it's most important for "civilised" people like ourselves to take note of evils we don't…

Advanced energy weapon destroyed Columbia?

16 years ago

OK, this is kind of a scary subject. I still remember back in 1986 when the Challenger shuttle exploded to…

The Hidden Bioenergetic Spectrum

16 years ago

Did you know that the CCDs in today's digital cameras are especially sensitive to the entire visual spectrum from ultraviolet…

Quantum Holographic Paradigm

16 years ago

The three musketeers of this particular subject are Collective DNA Consciousness: Networked Intelligence by Grazyna Fosar und Franz Bludorf, The…

Coenzyme Q 10

16 years ago

Extracts from : Possible Health Benefits of Coenzyme Q10 Roland Stocker, Ph.D. University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia Benefits…