Trouble Maker: GMO seeds cannot be removed

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Scientists in Sweden found genetically engineered canola plants springing up in a test field 10 years after engineered seeds were originally planted—despite efforts over time to clear the field of transgenic plants. The canola plants were engineered to tolerate the herbicide glufosinate. In the years following the canola planting, the field was plowed and used to grow wheat, barley, and sugar beets, and farm staff routinely searched for and removed canola plants. Yet after a decade canola plants were still sprouting in the field. The persistence and dispersal of genetically engineered plants into the environment is one of the serious problems with this technology, and may contribute to contamination of conventional crops. Read more about engineered crops, or read the study abstract in Biology Letters

Please see a method for sustainable (backyard) organic farming built on the premise of actually providing more healthy food to consumers at Mineralized Organic Super Foods: How to grow your own .

For more information on Genetically Modified Evil Seeds, Please visit:

Genetically Modified Seeds ~ GMO Corporate Produce and

Beware — Food Crisis Getting Worse


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