Healing Science

Background to Bioenergetic Medicine Review

I have the rare privelege of finally getting my hands on an ebook that I would like to share with you; “Some Background to Bioenergetic Medicine“ serves as the standard and the basis for this site on the Bioenergetic Spectrum….

International Conference on Integrative Medicine October 2010

This Announcement is intended for Physicians, Nurses and Therapists . An International Conference on Integrative Medicine will be held in October 2010 in Jerusalem . The Conference will deal with ways to unite the scientific principles of modern medicine with…

How to Detox from the effects of Gulf (and more) Oil Spills

What BP Doesn’t Want You to See Philippe Cousteau, grandson of famous explorer Jacques Cousteau, who went underwater off the Gulf Coast to see first-hand what the Deepwater Oil Disaster looks and feels like. And the answer to the question…

Protect Your Health against Flu Virus with UV Light

UV light stick purifies water February 25, 2010 by Lisa Zyga STER UV: a new concept for UV water purification. Image credit: Olivia Blechschmidt. (PhysOrg.com) — Today, about one billion people on Earth don’t have access to clean drinking water,…

Colloidal Silver Kills Swine Flu, H1N1 Virus and More

I regularly discuss advanced bioresonant technology like Rife Technology at Bioenergetic Spectrum. There are all kinds of electrokinetic therapies that can be used to kill pathogens like viruses and correct chronic ailments without side effects including bioenergetic biofeedback, multiwave oscillators,…

How does Qigong Practice Fight Cancer?

Extracts from Some studies show practising qigong helps to fight against cancer Cancer survivor Qiu Jia Ming, 65, who suffered from pancreatic cancer years ago, said: “I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when I was 50 years old and the…

Beck Magnetic Pulse Generator Experimental Prototype

For those of you not familiar with this device, Dr. Robert C. Beck provides a guide for building several DIY self help devices for people who prefer to stay independent of the present mainstream healthcare system which is focused on…

Qigong is Qualitative Energy Healing Exercises

Qigong is literally internal energy work, a means of gaining good health through certain stances used in conjunction with breathing methods; it’s an integral part of one’s internal martial art training like Taijiquan. There are 2000 different types of qigong,…

Bioenergetic Diagnostics in Alternative Healing is Personalized

Utah-based company BioMeridian provides several technologies for bioenergetic testing BioMeridian™ is a Utah-based company that provides several technologies for bioenergetic testing. Specifically, BioMeridian develops Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) instruments, including software platforms and acupuncture-point reading devices, for health care practitioners….

Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Anthrax, and more BS propaganda

I’m just no good at playing the starry-eyed gullible zombie or the devil’s advocate, neither are you if you’re reading this. The latest Swine Flu propaganda by mainstream media is history replaying itself. How many threats of pandemics have we…

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