Nutrition Spectrum

Nutrition Spectrum Health Supplement Kits for Today’s Problems

Nutrition Spectrum was gutted (again), this time because of certain suppliers who chose not to deal with newly enacted California Tax…

13 years ago

Japan, Radiation Dangers, and Iodine / Iodide Supplements

Fears of a "radiation plume floating into your backyard?" Unlike the fears of potential nuclear meltdown in Japan, it's best…

14 years ago

Updates at Bioenergetic Spectrum as of July 2010

I have this ridiculously huge scrapbook of material that keeps pouring in concerning the Gulf Disaster / Holocaust. A great…

14 years ago

How to Detox from the effects of Gulf (and more) Oil Spills

What BP Doesn't Want You to See Philippe Cousteau, grandson of famous explorer Jacques Cousteau, who went underwater off the…

14 years ago

The Key to Disease Prevention is a Life Miracle: Vitamin D

How Hard is it to Spell ‘D’? February 2, 2010 According to a paper in the current British Medical Journal,…

15 years ago

Time Magazine on Sustainable Farming vs. Health Hazard Farming

A recent cover story in Time magazine says it's time to shift our food production system to a smarter, greener…

15 years ago

Brain (B) Vitamin Increases Mental Acuity

Cognizin® May Improve Brain Health 06/15/2009 Are you finding it harder to remember things these days? If so, our Cognizin…

15 years ago

Pulse of Health Freedom: FDA Special Interests

On the heels of Howard Stern's admission of drug abuse with fatal results upon Anna Nicole Smith and her teenage…

16 years ago

Propaganda: “Vitamin Pills Don’t Help” (cancer)

Here is the original article as I saw it in my local newspaper: Vitamin Pills Don't Help They don't curb…

16 years ago

Modafinil and Higher Learning Don’t Mix

I know what you're going to say, "Everybody does it... If you don't do it, you're not with it... Everyone…

16 years ago