Poison Spectrum

Poison Updates on Vaccine Policies

In case you have not been keeping track, there have been regular updates at the page, U.S. Policy for Vaccines & Drugs Broadly Eliminates Liability; it seems no matter how many flare ups of child autism there have been lately…

Earth Day Remembers North Pacific Trash Gyre

On this particular Earth Day, it’s most important for “civilised” people like ourselves to take note of evils we don’t see everyday, yet affect us on a daily basis. The North Pacific Trash Gyre is one of those out of…

Chemtrail Poison in California

Our 13,000+ petition signatures are used daily to persuade legislators to stop the State of California from implementing their Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) aerial spraying plan for the Bay Area and the Central Coast. But, the Dept. of Agriculture…

Reducing Electromagnetic Noise Exposure

The follow extract from Reducing Electromagnetic Frequency Exposure May Improve Your Health is taken from NaturalNews.com. Unfortunately, Natural News is a bit behind in the times. The amount of EM noise that a person experiences from a computer eight hours…

Why are we attracted to big egos?

Because we believe big egos and success go hand in hand – at least, this is the western paradigm. There’s an ego attached to everyone including every authority figure. Each of those authority figures has a much bigger ego than…

FAN Monthly | February 2008

http://www.FluorideAlert.Org February 29, 2008 Fluoride… It was just over a year ago that the American Dental Association advised its members that parents not give fluoridated water to babies. Now, a panel of child health experts has issued a report warning…

Newly expanded poison spectrum

The site at Poison Spectrum has been expanded. The navi bar at the left provides new links about diabetes type 2 and natural solutions to addictions like crystal meth. Actually, there’s a lot of carry over from other sites which…

WHO on tobacco and world health

The World Health Organization (WHO) says smoking and tobacco uses the world’s number one cause of preventable death. One billion people will die from tobacco-related causes this century unless actions protecting public health and combating tobacco-company marketing are taken. This…

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