Bioenergetic Diagnostics in Alternative Healing is Personalized

Utah-based company BioMeridian provides several technologies for bioenergetic testing BioMeridian™ is a Utah-based company that provides several technologies for bioenergetic testing. Specifically, BioMeridian develops Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) instruments, including software platforms and acupuncture-point reading devices, for health care practitioners….

Brain (B) Vitamin Increases Mental Acuity

Cognizin® May Improve Brain Health 06/15/2009 Are you finding it harder to remember things these days? If so, our Cognizin Citicoline can help. Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Ph.D., director of the Cognitive Neuroimaging and Neuropsychology Laboratories at the McLean Hospital Brain Imaging…

The Tragicomic Food Industry Film

Last weekend, I was watching a PBS special, an interview with Robert Kenner, director of Food, Inc., an unflattering look inside America’s corporate controlled food industry. The big food industry has refined the science of corn in such a way…

The Key to Quantum Forces in the Body: Microtubules

Here is a reference from over 10 years ago that has a specific inference to quantum microtubules as studied by Drs. Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff. Too bad Prof. Smith doesn’t bother putting his work in the same pot as…

Book Review: Molecular Bioenergetics

Molecular Bioenergetics: Simulations of Electron, Proton, and Energy Transfer (Acs Symposium Series) Molecular Bioenergetics: Simulations of Electron, Proton, and Energy Transfer (Acs Symposium Series) Manufacturer: An American Chemical Society Publication Number Of Items: 1 Number Of Pages: 210 All living…

Health Warning: Plastics in Food and Water

Here is a warning from a neurotoxicologist that diet soda in cans that have been left unrefrigerated and heated to above 90 degrees result in the transformation of some of the contents into formaldahyde. .. Read on… From: Terry Donnenwirth…

No Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon!

  Don’t Let Uranium Mining Destroy the Grand Canyon’s World-Famous Vistas!   Forward to friends and colleagues >> Along the Grand Canyon’s south rim, the old Orphan uranium mine still oozes radioactive waste into the surrounding soil and water –…

Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Anthrax, and more BS propaganda

I’m just no good at playing the starry-eyed gullible zombie or the devil’s advocate, neither are you if you’re reading this. The latest Swine Flu propaganda by mainstream media is history replaying itself. How many threats of pandemics have we…

Biohazard: Toxic Effects of Common Plastic Containers

The following is an addendum to Earth Day Remembers North Pacific Trash Gyre. I was going to tack this onto the same post, but it’s getting too long. Please observe the following cautions when buying your food in plastic containers….

Updated Research: Honey Bees Colony Collapse Disorder

This is an addendum to the posts Bioenergetic Research on Vanishing Bees, Colony Collapse Disorder Honey Bee Research, and Is the Hidden Microwave Infrastructure Dangerous? Cure For Honey Bee Colony Collapse? ScienceDaily (Apr. 14, 2009) — For the first time,…

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