Thanks to everyone who supports the post on Earth Day Remembers North Pacific Trash Gyre. I’m all about conserving our natural resources. I know now that there are plenty of you out there who support the same. It’s ridiculous that “modern, civilised” man could allow such a huge mess to happen to our only planet, but that’s how they roll.
You ever heard that expression? “That’s how we roll…” That’s an expression made famous by juggarnaut corporate executives mercilessly “mow down” their competition.
You ever wonder about their personality types attached to that expression? From my personal experience, they’re cold hearted emotional deserts. An emotional desert is a person who is pretty much closed to the ideas of other people (unless it jives with their business model). An emotional desert defends their methods to the hilt, yet they’re non-chalent about negative impacts of their methods.
The worst part is that an emotional desert has no sympathy or empathy for any other forms of life, but this is a secret. If anything, an emotional desert might seem like an over the top environmentalist, at first. Then when you really get to know them, they’re sharks in business suits who’s only real love is money. They’re dark age, canned response: “That’s how we roll…”
These type of people hold back the human race, yet they are in leadership positions. According to the Socionomics Institute, social mood affects the economy. The proof is in the pudding. This is a real effect. I’m not even including the hell on earth that the Federal Reserve Act has caused since 1913.
There’s a trickle down effect from these emotional deserts in leadership positions. In turn, they affect their employees and their students. In turn, these people cause the social mood which leads to either good or bad economy.
Growth, Lies and Water Supply
Right now, the economy of water in California is in question. There are claims by our heads of state that we are in a drought. While this is true, this is only because we’re still living in the dark ages when it comes to water conservation. We’re not making the best use of our resources, yet this is “how we roll” in California.
California’s exploding population means the next major drought will be brutal
..California has had only one year since 1995 when the rainfall was below average. Last year’s water shortfall could only be called moderate by historical standards, yet one more year of similar below-average rain could put the state into crisis. Our situation could be very serious if we have a dry season next year, remarked Maurice Roos, chief hydrologist for the California Department of Water Resources. We simply don’t have the storage capacity to carry us through two dry years any more. (San Francisco Chronicle, 7/22/01)…
OK, you don’t have the storage capacity for a few years of drought? Fine. Subsidize Rain Barrels for California Residents. Water Water every where. There’s not a drop to drink when it spills into the gutter. If you can subsidize water saving toilets, energy saving appliances, and DTV converters, then why not rain barrels to conserve water in a state where there’s a drought? Why Not? Because you don’t “roll that way,” do you? Next:
And while we can build more power plants to deal with the overpopulation-affected electricity crisis, a water shortage is far more problematic. The dams have all been built and desalinization plants would be expensive as well as environmentally harmful. Agricultural land might be taken out of production to free up some water for direct human use, but that strategy could easily raise food prices. There is a glut on the world grain market now, but that situation is unlikely to last. Growing population pressures assure us that as demand rises, so will the cost of food. The conservation practices of the 1970s drought grey-water gardening, short showers and generally reduced usage will necessarily become the way of life as California hits 40 and 50 million residents, if not before…
It’s a bunch of ridiculous, dark age emotional deserts running the show, isn’t it? Why are more and more condos and townhouses constantly being squeezed into smaller areas of California if you’re so worried about over population? Surely, mixing concrete takes water. Keeping down the dust takes water. The residents who finally occupy the abode take water.
Why would you complain to the residents to conserve water when you, the politicians pushing, bankers financing, and businessmen cutting deals are the ones who are creating that inverse proportion of water usage in a drought? Because money is your true concern. That’s “how you roll.”
Water Conservation Solutions are Plenty
OK, let’s talk business. You’re worried about the expense of desalinization plants? You’re worried that food prices will rise when diverting water directly for human use? OK.
Even if you’re an emotional desert, there must be at least a smidgeon of rationale some where in your head if you’re a businessman. This means that you’re always open to viable solutions. That can help you make money. That’s right. More green in your pocket, you greedy bastard.
Imagine investing in the following technologies for desalinization and water conservation, then reselling for a profit to the state, to distributors or even end users:
- A Low-Energy Water Purifier – Oasys estimates that engineered osmosis (not reverse osmosis), will cost just $0.37 to $0.44 per cubic meter, once fully scaled up, using one-tenth the energy needed to purify water, required by conventional systems using a pilot-scale plant to test the technology and producing one cubic meter of fresh water per day from either sea or brackish water. (MIT Technology Review; Jan. 8, 2009)
- Solar powered water desalination – Spectra Watermakers’ portable Solar Cube is powered by sunlight and wind, and can provide up to 3,500 gallons of clean drinking water per day from polluted water or salt water. It can also provide enough emergency electricity to refrigerate medical supplies or power communications equipment. (Inside Greentech; Mar. 7, 2007)
- Deluge – Has developed a new way to economically take salt out of water, and it depends on a readily available resource – hot water.
- Top 100 / Featured / Videos: River / Water >
Video: Markovic Self-Propelled (SP) River Pump – We’ve produced a new video about Vladimir Markovic’s Top 100 river pump — a very clever, simple, robust design now going into production that can be used to pump water, generate electricity, desalinate water, all from slow-moving water without the need to build a dam. (YouTube: PESNetwork; Jan. 22, 2009)
- Seawater Brine Recycling Technology – IES Tech’s recycling of seawater brine (industrial waste) eliminates the pollution resulting from desalination plants, double the drinking water quantity and receive the valuable minerals as magnesium and high quality table salt. The technology is fully developed and tested, a demo unit is in function showing all the aspects of this technology.
- Wave-Powered Desalination – Design harnesses the renewable energy of waves to produce fresh water. Production versions of the “desalination ducks” would be about 10 meters in diameter and 20 meters long. Each would supply water for more than 20,000 people. (New Scientist Tech; Nov. 7, 2006) (See Slashdot discussion
- Ways ocean and wastewater can be desalinized in California – Sandia National Laboratories studying the best ways to desalinize – and make potable – ocean water, subsurface brines, and wastewater. (Sandia; Sept. 6, 2005)
- Cheaper, better water desalination using ‘forward osmosis’ – A forward osmosis system developed at Yale causes water flow through a membrane with a high-concentration solution of ammonia (NH3) and CO2 on the gathering side, which are then boiled off. (Environmental Science and Technology; May 3, 2006)
- Lebanon may start using the sun to get fresh water – Lebanon might soon look toward the sky for its freshwater but the drops won’t be coming from the clouds. Project in which a desalination plant will be designed, powered by a solar pond along the seashore line. (Daily Star, Lebanon; Jan. 26, 2005)
- Solar Sea Water Desalination – Reinvented the Solar still. Fresh water out of seawater with solar energy.
- Desalination Taps Geothermal, Solar Thermal – A Phoenix inventor said he has developed a new way to economically take salt out of water, and it depends on a readily available resource – hot water. (PESWiki; Sept. 7, 2004)
- Sea Solar Power – Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion company technology includes a water desalinization byproduct of millions of gallons per day. (PESWiki)
- O/U Water Desalinization > Clean Water Products – patented technology by Dr. Cluff can desalinize water without using chemicals at just $300 / acre-foot, producing 60,000 gallons per day, recovering salt and minerals valued at up to $600 per acre-foot.
- Watercone uses sun’s energy to turn seawater potable – Using a process of vaporization and condensation, the solar cone turns saltwater into fresh in a day. Presently looking for licensees; individual units not for sale. (Thanks Keelynet; Dec. 2005)
- Cheap Drinking Water from the Ocean – Carbon nanotube-based membranes, being developed by the U.S.’ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, will dramatically cut the cost of desalination. Tiny sieve actually conveys water much faster than science would predict. (MIT Technology Review; June 12, 2006)
- Oxen power desalination unit – Desalination unit in remote India is run with the help of a pair of oxen using an indigenously developed reverse osmosis membrane. (, Sept. 11, 2004)
There are even more solutions for water treatment at Pure Energy Systems: PESWiki
Considing that some of these solutions have been around for at least five years, I can’t help but wonder if some of these solutions are in effect now and that the California heads of state are just messing with the residents because they’re just that money hungry, because that’s “how they roll.”
If you live in a state of drought where you are also being threatened by your local gov’t that you’re water will be turned off because you use too much, then please do yourself a favor: Have a look at the above solutions. Please ask your gov’t officials why they haven’t implimented the most cost effective desalinating technologies and filtering resources available for American Citizens to live peaceful, healthy lives.
Water is life. Greedy Gov’t officials are the ones who see fit to sell this natural life fluid which has existed long before them. In essence, they’re selling life.
The ones living in the dark ages, the ones in charge who do not take advantage of every available resource to provide this precious life fluid; they’re the ones in a drought because their hearts are in a drought.
We’re in a drought because of their backwards, dark age philosophy on life. (I’m sorry, but just not in the mood for stroking any egos right now.)
If your state is in a drought, please ask your local rep to take advantage of every available resource for conserving water and supporting life.
Thanks for your time.
Healing Thoughts, HealingMindN
Randolph Directo
Boydels way better waste treatment
By Steve Weatherbe Editor
After 10 years of brainstorming, fabricating, testing and tinkering, Randy Boyle and Randy Deluca of Boydel Wastewater Technologies have a portable waste water treatment plant they are confident could revolutionize municipal and industrial waste treatment.
If only a producer of large volumes of waste would let them plug it into their system for a full-scale demonstration.
The Boydel treatment plant, with a footprint of just 2.7 metres by six metres, can treat 1 million litres a day, according to a previous high-volume test using manual controls. New fully-automated technology has since been installed. No municipality wants to risk their waste treatment on an experimental system. So far.
Its a me-second world, says Randy Boyle, who runs the business end of Ladysmith-based Boydel while partner Deluca handles the science. Weve gotten gutsy and supportive receptions from Jody Twa, past mayor of Colwood, and many others with water problems, but nobody will go first.
Stopping the two municipalities is lack of funding and the Capital Regional District, which controls the regions waste once it leaves the sewers, and which has been required by the provincial government to come up with a secondary treatment plan by December, which will likely involve multiple plants and a bill now estimated at $2 billion. I dont fault the CRD for going with proven technology, says Boyle.
They have to be careful with the taxpayers money. But Boydels technology offers the provincial government an opportunity to fulfill its stated goal of supporting advanced technology and reduce costs.
Shouldnt some attention be paid, he asks, to a process that could save the taxpayers big bucks and encourage an industry that could bring manufacturing jobs and dollars from around the world to Vancouver Island?
With a single WaterMiner module costing $750,000, the CRDs entire output during a flood surge could be handled by 150 Boydel units for under $150 million. Its almost to our disadvantage to give so low a number. It makes us look crazy, admits Boyle. Wed be more credible if we said $900 million.”
Big costs for conventional treatment come from the big holding tanks, and the land they occupy, where water is aerated so the bacteria in the sewage can break it down over a 24-hour period. If toxins in the sewage or other problems kill the bacteria, sewage plants can become quite smelly. As well, the conventional biological systems produces very high volumes of greenhouse gases, whereas Boydels process doesnt.
The process as applied by Boydel passes the water between iron plates as an electric charge jumps across them. One of the plates slowly decomposes, releasing positive ions which attract negatively charged organic and inorganic contaminants such as metals and oils. At the same time the water itself is split into hydrogen and oxygen gases that bubble up to a clarifier carrying the contaminants with them, leaving clear water at the bottom.
The practical problem for high-volume use of the process has been the disintegration of the plate that gradually widens the gap and increases the strength of the electrical charge needed to bridge it. Boydels design keeps the plates at the perfect distance as one erodes. This keeps the power consumption low: at a cost of just $36 a day.
Boydel hopes to demonstrate their process using Duncans wasteflow, now going to a aeration pond on the Cowichan reserve. BE
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