Reform the Food and Drug Administration

This post is a follow up to Stop the FDA Witch Hunt. If you are a U.S. Citizen, then you can share your opinion of the effects that the FDA has had on the health and well being of every…

Is the Hidden Microwave Infrastructure Dangerous?

This post is a follow up to Colony Collapse Disorder Honey Bee Research and Bioenergetic Research on Vanishing Bees. It seems that school children must suffer the effects of a microwave infrastructure that school district officials chose to install without…

Updates to Rife Plasma Technology Page

The Rife/Bare review by Dr. Bare has been revamped for an easier reading experience and updated with pertinent links to consumer market energy products for those who want to cure their chronic pains and ailments without the side effects of…

Quantum Basis of Bioenergetics Discovered in Plants

Is Quantum Mechanics Controlling Your Thoughts? Quantum mechanics holds that any given particle has a chance of being in a whole range of locations and, in a sense, occupies all those places at once. Physicists describe quantum reality in an…

Modafinil and Higher Learning Don’t Mix

I know what you’re going to say, “Everybody does it… If you don’t do it, you’re not with it… Everyone needs a pick me up…” on and on and on. Why don’t you admit it? You’re taking drugs to keep…

Poison Alert on Working Environment: Dangers of Lead

Lead Triggers Cognitive Impairment in Later Life By Rick Nauert, Ph.D. Senior News Editor Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on January 13, 2009 Tuesday, Jan 13 (Psych Central) — A new study finds that the aging brain can suffer…

Hidden Bioenergetic Spectrum of Deep Space Aeroforms

In the book, “The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs,” Trevor James Constable provides solid proof of the hidden bioenergetic spectrum available to us. As living denizens of this planet, it’s difficult to deny the vast…

e Spira Women’s Walking Shoes January 2009 Contest

We are beginning the New Year with an essay contest for one pair of e Spira Women’s Walking Shoes, size 10.5, regular width, retail priced at $129.99! The contest lasts until 31 January 2009 wherein the winner of this contest…

video: Regeneration of Cells, Regenerative Medicine

This video begins with an example of a hobby shop salesman completely growing back the tip of his finger in four weeks: Dr. Steven Battlick of the University of Pittsburgh’s McGowan Institute for regenerative medicine says that extra cellular matrix…

Important Energy Nutrient: Co Enzyme Q10

The following extract is from one of the best research papers I’ve seen on the bioenergetics of Co Q10. Not enough mainstream doctors are realising the benefits of Co Q10 (or any other essential nutrient for that matter) because they…

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