Colony Collapse Disorder Honey Bee Research

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I’ve done a little research on the problem with colony collapse disorder. There may be a connection between chemtrails and the failing health of bees.

First please examine the data from per a recent air quality test of chemtrails:

Chemtrails – Shocking Phoenix Air Quality Test Results (extract)
By Ted Twietmeyer
..Fig 1 ­ In this chart we see that barium is 278x the toxic limit, copper is 98x the toxic limit, manganese is a staggering 5,820x the toxic limit and zinc is 593x the toxic limit.Noteworthy here is that manganese is an element commonly found in the environment and soil in small quantities. However, manganese is also a toxic element. This element is the black electrolyte material found in batteries (dry cell types) before the advent of alkaline batteries took over the battery market.

Manganese is still used in cheap batteries and commonly provided with remote controls.Barium, copper and zinc are also heavy metals. Copper and zinc are used by the human body’s metabolism but only in very small amounts. Barium is a common contrast agent used for X-ray diagnostic imaging, but it is not used in powder form. It is suspended in a liquid form for contrast enhancement of X-rays to outline digestive tract soft tissue.

Barium and aluminum (more on aluminum later) are commonly found in chemtrail fallout. These two compounds were also described by Dr. Teller in his weather modification paper as two possible agents that could be spread by aircraft into the upper atmosphere. His intention was to use them as reflective agents for sunlight in an effort to reduce global heating… (continues)

Now, please examine the following data in relation to our honey bees:


Heavy metals present in the atmosphere can deposit on the hairy bodies of bees and be brought back to the hive with pollen, or they may be absorbed together with the nector of the flowers, or through the water or the honeydew. A number of variables have to be considered when using bees, or beehive products such as honey, to monitor heavy metals in the environment….

Investigation of the use of honey bees and honey bee products to assess heavy metals contamination:

Experiment was carried out using 12 colonies of honey bees bred in hives located near an extraurban crossroad. We analyzed the Pb, Cd and Zn deposited on the bee’s surfaces and the heavy metal accumulation in the foragers, dead bees, honey products and some environmental markers during nine weeks of the experiment.

Results showed a large amount of Zn and Cd on the bee’s surface as a consequence of atmospheric fallout, whereas Pb seems to be either water-extractable and/or likely accumulated in the body of the insect.

Dead bees expelled from the hives displayed a progressive accumulation of all heavy metals during the experimental period. Royal jelly and honey contained large amounts of heavy metals. In particular, we found a linear relationship between Cd in the honey and that found in flowers of Trifolium pratense L.

Results obtained suggested that honey bee products and the examined environmental markers may be considered useful parameters to assess the presence of environmental contaminants, whereas the measurements of heavy metals in the dead bees may be considered a suitable tool also to verify a possible dynamics of accumulation of pollutants….

This data indicates that honey bees are the most sensitive to pollutants, in particular, heavy metals in the environment.

Optimizing cell preparation technique to enhance adsorption capacity of pseudomonas putida 5-x to heavy metal ions.

A heavy metal accumulation bacterium Pseudomonas putida 5-x isolated from electroplating effluent was used as biosorbent for heavy metal removal from wastewater…

Microbiologists discovered a while back that different strains of pseudomonas can be derived when subjected to different environmental conditions. What if a strain similar to 5-x has found a way into the bees? According to a few other articles at, hazardous pseudomona strains have already been found in chemtrails.

*Stinging the Bees*

/..Pseudomonas/, fatal given the right conditions, kills some bees…

“These mites are messing with the honeybee immune systems,” says Fisher. “The bee’s strength is zapped, and it’s hard to fight off even small infections…”

According to the first two articles above, the best indicator of environmental heavy metals are the honey bees and their hives.

Hypothesis: What if the mechanism of heavy metal absorption from chemtrails into bees is through pseudomonas (heavy metal absorbing strains), thereafter, their immune systems are weakened allowing (varroa) mites to attack to make it look like natural causes?

The proof would be the presence of these artificially derived pseudonomas from chemtrails that can infect bees. Pollinating flowers are also particularly receptive to environmental pollutants. (I haven’t even touched on the possible consequences of GMO infections yet!) But flowers affected by environmental pollutants might actually be hurting the bees. The bees may actually be our virtual “canaries in the cave” foretelling of hidden dangers.

A researcher from another group made an interesting point about this chemtrail action on bees being on purpose:

“I wonder if poisons in chemtrails like bromine and even added these suggested heavy metals could be an even worse bee irradiation/reduction process? The would induce a massive price increase in food and thus more world starvation on an evil/painful population reduction agenda? Take the bees out of the picture and no pollination! The only ones with food would be those with stored seed banks like the one discovered in Norway. No doubt they are storing some bee hives there to reboot these crops protected in mountain vaults from genetics,biological, asteroid hit, and poisons… “

It’s possible that Global Bioenergetics has a multi-wave oscillator that kills the pseudomonas:

Good vibrations could save vanishing bees
*Published Date: * 26 April 2008
By Jenny Haworth

/IT IS a mystery that has had scientists stumped. But now experts in Scotland believe they have discovered why bees have been abandoning their hives and vanishing./

/Scientists at the Roslin-based firm Global Bioenergetics think disturbance to bees from mobile phones, radio signals, wi-fi and microwaves is disrupting them with devastating results./

/They think increased airwaves could be interfering with their ability to do the bee dance, which they use to tell other bees where to find pollen./

/Stress caused to the bees by the radiation could be damaging their immune systems, leaving them prone to increasing levels of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides sprayed on crops./

/The scientists are trying out a new device, called a Bioemitter, that transmits electromagnetic waves to provide a stable environment and reduce stress for the bees in their hives, boosting their immune system./

/Global Bioenergetics is about to start trials with bee farmer Brian Poole, from Scottish-Honey./

/Fiona Murray, a political and environmental adviser for Global Bioenergetics, said: “The Bioemitter creates a field in the hive. It inputs a highly specified frequency. In comparison frequencies from things like mobile phones are random./

/The specific frequency shields out the frequency of the mobile phones, microwaves and everything else from the hives, to create a more stable environment in the hive./

/*We can also put in frequencies that are beneficial, to boost the bees’ own immune system.*/

/They are still going to be exposed when they are flying about to the radiation and the sprays that are going on to the field, but the aim is to get their own system to be able to cope with it better.”/

/Previous trials have shown the Bioemitter can also get rid of the devastating varroa mite, which sucks blood from bees and leaves them susceptible to infection./

/It has similarly been shown to destroy red mites, which infest chickens./

/We are creating a field that these parasites can’t live in,” said Ms Murray. “They can’t cope with the vibration of the signal.”/

/The same technique has been used to eliminate salmonella from one farmer’s pig shed in Yorkshire, and the company thinks it has huge potential.

//Now it is trying to secure funding to carry out trials on bees using the device…/

Microwaves have been implicated in causing colony colapse disorder. What if it’s not just the microwaves, but the heavy metal reaction to microwaves since they are absorbed by certain pseudomonas in the bees, thus using the same concept as the Kanzius machine which heats up metallic nanoparticles using radio waves?

If that Bioemitter by Global Bioenergetics actually emits the MORs (mortal oscillatory rates) for pseudomonas, then couldn’t everyone with Rife type emitters do the same? (i.e. hinging on heavy metal absorbing pseudomonas as the culprit)

It’s possible that this is the normal mechanism that makes the bees so sensitive to heavy metal pollutants. Perhaps, we have the same reason old time miners used to take canaries into caves with them since they would be the first ones to die in a hazardous atmosphere. Now, colony collapse disorder is indicative of the state of our environment.

Thanks in advance,

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Lifecycle of Honeybee Desk Set

Lifecycle of Honeybee Desk Set

More Nature Discovery…

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This life cycle of a honeybee desk set is fascinating! You’ll see how the bee grows from an egg to an adult worker, drone or queen. In addition, the set features samples of the nest, the comb, beepollen, honey and wax.

The 12 specimens in this set are embedded in a clear plastic block measuring 6.5″ L x 3″ W x 1″ D, which is held secure inside the dark green wooden latched box by a sturdy foam insert. A key is included to identify each specimen.

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Pseudomonas putida


<i>Pseudomonas putida</i> Living Specimen

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From soil and water rich in minerals. Organism of putrefaction. Motile. Rods. Gram negative reaction. Aerobic. Incubation temperature 25°C. Nutrient agar growth medium.

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BTW: I have already shared this information with other research groups on the web including Google which recently placed a WiFi network in a Bay Area City; I guess the idea of losing our key system of pollination which keeps the food chain going on this planet is somehow not important enough to most people.This information is meant to help the truly altruistic people to help the honey bees. I hope you’re one of them.

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