Symptomatic Relief of Herpetic Skin Lesions
Utilizing an Energy Based Approach to Healing
W. John Martin and Jon Stoneburner
Center for Complex Infectious Diseases
Rosemead, CA 91770
Herpes simplex virus induced oral and genital ulcerating lesions will fluoresce brightly yellow and yellow-orange, respectively, if treated with a chlorinated solution of photon lending powder and exposed to ultraviolet-A light. An orange to red fluorescence is seen with similarly treated and illuminated Herpes zoster virus induced shingles; while treated human papilloma virus induced genital warts display more of a purplish fluorescence. Pain and discomfort commonly disappear soon after the treatment and all lesions undergo expedited healing that is readily observable within 24 hours. The mechanism of healing is thought to involve an interaction between the photon lending powder red and alternative cellular energy pigments (ACE pigments) present within the viral lesions that enhances responsiveness to ultraviolet light energy. The healing effects are not restricted to the treated lesions and may involve transmission of a biological energy throughout the body. Beyond its obvious clinical and diagnostic utility, this model system may help usher in a new era of energy based medicine…
There are 2 bases for healing in particular that interest me about this article. First off, the basis of this therapy may be phase conjugate adaptive resonance (PCAR) as discussed at the article by Edgar Mitchell: “Nature’s Mind: The Quantum Hologram.” PCAR is also the basis of operation of the Harmonic Translator for neutralizing chronic disease and ailments as discussed at Harmonic Translator Case History Studies.
The second basis for healing is bioresonance. The evidence for both effects that struck me in particular is the discussion from this study:
Studies on cells infected with cell damaging (cytopathic) viruses that failed to provoke an inflammatory reaction in either patients or experimentally inoculated animals have been grouped under a generic heading of stealth-adapted viruses (Martin, 1994). Some of these viruses are unequivocally derived from African green monkey simian cytomegalovirus (a type of herpes virus). The cytopathic effect (CPE) of these viruses in tissue culture tends to be transient unless efforts are made to remove materials that form in the culture medium that promote cellular repair and suppress the virus induced CPE (Martin, 2003a). These pigmented materials are thought to provide an alternative (non-mitochondria) source of cellular energy. Consistent with this notion, particles obtained from stealth virus cultures show striking auto-fluorescence, electrostatic and electron donating activities. They can visibly resonate in response to certain sound frequencies and can occasionally display marked ferromagnetism. Similar complex intracellular structures have been observed by electron microscopy in brain biopsies of patients infected with stealth-adapted viruses (Martin, 2003b). These materials have been termed alternative cellular energy pigments (ACE pigments). Light, electrical, sound and magnetic energies, that have no appreciable effects on normal cultured cells, have been shown to affect, both positively and negatively depending on intensity, cell viability in stealth-adapted virus cultures (unpublished observations)…
If you’ve read the paper, Rife Ultra Microscope: Bacteria Chronicles, then you can easily see that this is almost a very crude rediscovery of Rife’s Work – again. Other bioenergetics researchers are constantly rediscovering the bioresonant nature of life.
But let’s study this UV Light Anti-viral therapy in particular. What is this mysterious “photon lending powder” of which fluoresces in red? I visited the Spectrum Chemical Manufacturing Corp site, but I wasn’t sure what to look up. I looked up red fluorescent powders, then I looked up red fluorescent, but I still can’t figure out what they used. I could only find “FLUORESCENT DYE, TRACER, RED, TABLETS,” but it’s a different catalogue number than provided. And we’re talking just 200 tablets for US$135, so it’s not exactly cheap for something that’s usually used in finding industrial and waste water leaks anyway.
So that got me thinking, “why don’t they just provide the exact chemical formula of this photon lending powder?” It doesn’t make any sense. When is a fluorescent substance usually applied to humans? Theme parks… Nightclubs… CSI!
Recall that the researchers are using a red food color as a placebo control to mimic the actual “photon lending powder” which fluoresces red under UV light. Have a look at this link for CSI Fluorescent Theft Detection Powder and tell me if this comes close; this powder glows brightly under UV light. I assume that this powder comes close to their “photon lending powder,” but you tell me.
The effect is more easily studied using a UV Fluorescent Leak Detection Dye Set (but not on living tissue) with a UV LED BlackLight.
Now, if you please look up “fluorescence” at Wikipedia, you will see the description:
Fluorescence is a luminescence that is mostly found as an optical phenomenon in cold bodies, in which the molecular absorption of a photon triggers the emission of another photon with a longer wavelength. The energy difference between the absorbed and emitted photons ends up as molecular vibrations or heat. Usually the absorbed photon is in the ultraviolet range, and the emitted light is in the visible range,…
Recall from the discussion that the “stealth virus cultures show striking auto-fluorescence…” These cultures most likely draw upon the mitogenic radiation (biophotons, typically in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum) of interstitial fluids and cellular bodies. The information that’s missing is the wavelength of fluorescense in those stealth virus cultures and the wave length of fluorescence of their “photon lending” substance. And why are the researchers using a red “photon lending powder” in particular?
If you recall from those theft detection powders, the one I pointed out is a multi-stain paste which fluoresces in several colors. Let’s assume that their “photon lending powder” acts like that and actually fluoresces in different regions over time.
Let’s assume that the stealth virus culture fluoresces in the red region. What happens when two photons of the same wavelength meet each other head on? When you treat them as waves, a light wave and its inverse (phase conjugate) cancel each other. When a photon emission meets the phase conjugate of itself, it cancels itself. You can see an explanation of this phenomenon at his page on soap film colors.
By the same token, this thin film of “photon lending” substance smeared on the offending tissues must be creating a phase conjugate wave upon exposure to UV light to that of the stealth viral culture. A person utilising Rife Equipment would call it a “mortal oscillatory rate.”
Of course, I could be wrong, but this is most logical conclusion.
If you would like to explore advanced healing using bioresonant technology, without smearing fluorescent powders in naughty places, then please have a look at the stealth equipment at futuretech:
Royal Rife’s Accomplishments With Cancer Using Electronic Frequencies And His Breakthrough Microsope Have Generated Quite a Bit of Confusion.
What did he do? How can this help you retain good health? New information shakes some common misconceptions. Don’t believe all the hype – instead learn the facts – Click Here >> the latest Royal Rife Information from researchers who care about you.
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Added to my favourites list and added to my blogroll.
I find your article interesting and especially since I have an article about shingles posted on my rife machine blog. You can read the article here:
The experience related at the link above was using my software NoRiftRife program.