Poison Spectrum

Pulse of Health Freedom: FDA Special Interests

On the heels of Howard Stern’s admission of drug abuse with fatal results upon Anna Nicole Smith and her teenage son, we have to examine the agency which is allowing prescription drug abuse on every American, not only celebrities. We…

Reform the Food and Drug Administration

This post is a follow up to Stop the FDA Witch Hunt. If you are a U.S. Citizen, then you can share your opinion of the effects that the FDA has had on the health and well being of every…

Is the Hidden Microwave Infrastructure Dangerous?

This post is a follow up to Colony Collapse Disorder Honey Bee Research and Bioenergetic Research on Vanishing Bees. It seems that school children must suffer the effects of a microwave infrastructure that school district officials chose to install without…

Modafinil and Higher Learning Don’t Mix

I know what you’re going to say, “Everybody does it… If you don’t do it, you’re not with it… Everyone needs a pick me up…” on and on and on. Why don’t you admit it? You’re taking drugs to keep…

Poison Alert on Working Environment: Dangers of Lead

Lead Triggers Cognitive Impairment in Later Life By Rick Nauert, Ph.D. Senior News Editor Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on January 13, 2009 Tuesday, Jan 13 (Psych Central) — A new study finds that the aging brain can suffer…

Stop the FDA Witch Hunt

Petition to Reform the FDA The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) is leading a campaign to reform the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We ask you to join with us in signing the Reform FDA Petition presented below. This…

CellPhone Radiation: Formal Declaration of Danger

Cell phones can affect sperm quality, researcher says (CNN) — Keeping a cell phone on talk mode in a pocket can decrease sperm quality, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic. “We believe that these devices are used because…

Colony Collapse Disorder Honey Bee Research

I’ve done a little research on the problem with colony collapse disorder. There may be a connection between chemtrails and the failing health of bees. First please examine the data from rense.com per a recent air quality test of chemtrails:…

FAN Fluoride Newsletter

So here it goes: issue number 1 of our revamped newsletter “Fluoride News You Can Use”, including videos you can watch, flyers you can download, fluoride news you should know about, and a quick online action item that could help…

Trouble Maker: GMO seeds cannot be removed

Scientists in Sweden found genetically engineered canola plants springing up in a test field 10 years after engineered seeds were originally planted—despite efforts over time to clear the field of transgenic plants. The canola plants were engineered to tolerate the…

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