We Need Health Care Reform with a Life-Positive Health Bill

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I don’t normally discuss politics at Bioenergetic Spectrum. I prefer to focus on the subject of bioresonant healing modalities. Bioresonant energy is a preferential alternative healing modality because the results are always positive and there are no side effects.

For example, although the sun has been derided by conventional “wisdom” as a source of cancer, but this idea runs counter to natural wisdom. Even primitive peoples of sunny regions maintain their health throughout the millennia because of their natural habits including their exposure to the sun.

We all need the sun because the sun has always been our main source of bioresonant energy; we use it to make vitamin D3, an important building block in the body. Healthy people self regulate their intake of sunshine, so we always get the right amount.

Of course, we all must regulate our intake of energy. Too much solar radiation can lead to a sun burn or even skin cancer for sensitive people; this is a bad thing, so we have to regulate our intake to just enough, like food. About 15 minutes of full sun a day on our faces and arms is all we need to make sufficient D3. In winter months when there’s not much sun, we supplement with D3, logical.

Although bioresonant energy therapy is not nearly as intense as sunshine, it is far more focused in the frequency ranges for well defined effects. Therefore, we also regulate our use of technology.

The FDA does not approve bioresonant energy therapies for very simple reasons:

  1. Energy Therapy does not make millions of dollars a day like drugs. Once you or your health practitioner has the device, it only takes a few cents of electricity to run it at each session.

  2. Since the bioresonant energy equipment is not making their producers any where near millions of dollars a day, the FDA clinical trials costing in the millions are prohibitive.

  3. Energy, unlike drugs, cannot be prescribed, therefore, there is no extortion based profit or kick-back to the FDA for its approval of energy based therapy. (BTW: “FDA Approved” only means that the approving doctors on the FDA panel are getting some type of “kick-back” from the sale of that product such as money and gifts.)

As a result, the FDA harasses the scientists and researchers who make any type of health claim of their holistic health product. (This includes cherry farmers who used to claim anti-oxidant properties of cherries – which is true. After all, where’s the kick-back for the FDA on cherries?)

Personally, I don’t want a health care system that excludes holistic, alternative healing modalities. Dr. Barbara Starfield has already proved in her 2000 report in the Journal of the American Medical Association that over 100,000 people die each year from properly prescribed drugs from conventional medical doctors. No, they’re not overdosed – properly prescribed, yet they die just like Brittany Murphy and Michael Jackson.

If this is not disturbing enough, from what I’ve read in the “universal health care bill” under legislation, the language is very disturbing:

  • “Universal Health Care” under the Obama Administration only refers to conventional medical treatment.

  • Health insurance would be compulsory for All U.S. Citizens under penalty of “law.”

  • “End of life counseling” would be pushed for seniors while the “reform” rewards doctors who push that counseling.

Have you heard how the stocks for health insurance companies is shooting way up in deep anticipation of “Universal Health Care?”

If you force me to buy insurance that I don’t want, I’m still not going to see that conventional medical practitioner. From personal experience, I can take much better care of my health than the average medical doctor. Do you realize that conventional medical practitioners, especially in HMOs, live in fear of losing their jobs? If anyone reports to hospital administration that a doctor suggested a natural therapy other than drugs, that doctor can actually get fired; it’s a skewed system.

But what’s the next step? Even though I’m well, will there be further legislation that forces me to see conventional practitioners under penalty of law? The same practitioners who would be rewarded for pushing “end of life counseling?” That sounds a little too much like a George Orwell novel come to life.

Far be it from me to deny others access to Universal Health Care “Reform.” More people are sick today in this day of “advanced” medical technology than there were before the industrial revolution. More people are suffering from illness today exactly because of industrial toxins if not drug, ionizing radiation, and other life negative induced iatrogenic disease.

Most people are not educated in alternative healing modalities. Most people are focused on their careers and social statuses. The public education system is only interested in educating people to fit into the current paradigm consisting of those careers and social statuses.

The people who want to turn the current paradigm into healthy and more efficient way of life for everyone are not famous at all. If fact, most of the revolutionaries today who want a better way of life for the people only have the web as the last true bastion of education, which is pretty much “underground” information.

Who am I to question the decisions of most people who are simply not educated in keeping themselves healthy with holistic, natural, and truly advanced solutions that serve as prophylaxis as well as cure against chronic ailments? Most people are suffering from chronic ailments exactly because they are not properly educated in protecting their health against the same system that is now pushing “Universal Health Care.”

The real problem is many people either think that alternative medicine is quackery and snake oil or they don’t know it exists, therefore most people are not actively seeking to educate themselves on alternative health care. My personal philosophy is the same as in numismatics: “Buy the book before the coin.”

That is, educate yourself about the available alternative healing modalities as well as the drugs pushed by conventional medicine rather than simply rely on a corporate-influenced, drug oriented perspective of treatment because your health is priceless, even more than a rare coin.

The “benefits outweigh the risks” and “not responding to treatment” philosophies of conventional doctors are old hyperbole that only serve the drug companies. If you truly love and respect yourself, then you educate yourself on how to really stay healthy and protect the health of your loved ones.

Most people are educated by mass media on how to think – the same mass media that is controlled by corporate interests. (Where do you think mass media gets its money?) As you will see at the article, Evil Seeds, the corporate interests have mass media and the politicians in their back pockets and the Supreme Court “Justices” say that falsifying the news is not against the law, therefore mass media cannot be objective by its very nature.

Since public school curricula are basically controlled by politicians, it only takes a few sell out politicians with control over school district funds to skew the educational value of that district. (e.g. There are schools teaching kids that chemtrails are good.)

The problem still remains that there are many chronically ill people suffering in the U.S. exactly because of the same “civilization” that made them ill. Like I said, far be it from me to judge a situation if I’m not on the front lines to observe what is happening to people without proper health insurance.

One doctor who is on the front lines of the health care situation in the U.S. is Vicente Navarro, professor of Health Policy at The Johns Hopkins University and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Health Services.

Dr. Navarro is one of many respected doctors who disagree with the politically oriented Universal Health Care bill that obviously has ulterior motives. Please understand that no matter how “smart” they are, medical doctors are still subject to human frailty as those good looking drug reps testify. Please ask yourself: “Do I want to be a statistic of conventional medicine controlled by corporate interests or do I want to live as a free human being with choices on how to be healthy?”

Personally, I prefer the altruistic doctors who serve human interests. Let the doctors who serve special corporate interests stay on TV because I don’t listen to them anyway. In my humble opinion, let the altruistic doctors who are on the front lines run universal health care, not the politicians or corporations and certainly not their cronies. (My comments are in italics.)



Why Sanjay Gupta is the Wrong Man for the Top US Health Job

(Foe of Single-Payer Medical Coverage)

President Obama has put forward the name of Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the well-known chief medical correspondent for CNN, for the position of surgeon general of the U.S. Public Health Service – the chief public health officer of the federal government. Dr. Gupta has received wide acclaim as the most important voice on medical matters in the U.S. broadcasting industry.

And CNN has played an important role in developing and promulgating the U.S. establishment’s conventional wisdom on what is happening in the country’s medical care. Dr. Gupta has been a major force in the promotion of that wisdom.

It is important that before discussing the appropriateness of President Obama’s choice for surgeon general, I make a few points about the role of the mainstream media, including CNN, in the country’s affairs, in particular, in its major international and domestic conflicts – that is, conflicts not only in, for example, Iraq and Vietnam, but also at home.

As we know, in the buildup to and conduct of the Iraq war, the mainstream media played a crucial role – supporting the invasion and occupation, and uncritically reproducing the Bush administration’s justification for this intervention. The mainstream media considered it their primary role to promote the conventional wisdom on this war, and not to challenge or question it. Not until 4,226 Americans and 654,965 Iraqis had been killed did CNN and the other mainstream media start questioning President Bush’s and the establishment’s justifications for the Iraq War.

And it is important to remember that, before reaching this point, CNN and the other mainstream media had consistently ignored, marginalized, or ridiculed those voices that were explaining how the justifications for war had no credibility.

This series of events was nothing new. The same thing had happened with the Vietnam War. This reality on the role of the mainstream media is well known both in the U.S. and abroad. A primary function of the U.S. broadcasting industry is to reproduce the establishment’s position on whatever conflict the country is involved in at the time. But not so well known is the mainstream media’s (including CNN’s) role in the wars at home.

The silent domestic war: invisible casualties.

There are types of war other than invasions and occupations abroad occurring right here, in the U.S.A., with deaths, casualties, and enormous suffering – wars taking place without producing a sound. One of them takes place on a daily basis. It is the war carried out by forces in the U.S. that, in defense of their interests, fight to prevent the establishment of one of the basic human rights: access to medical care in time of need – a right, found in all other developed countries but still denied to the citizenry of the U.S. sixty years after President Truman tried to establish it.

As a consequence of this, many thousands of people die in the U.S. each year – from 18,000 to more than 100,000, depending on how one defines preventable death – due to lack of medical care. Even if we take the lower figure of 18,000 (given by the conservative Institute of Medicine), this is six times the number of people killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

That event outraged the entire nation (as, indeed, it should), but the death toll due to lack of medical care seems to go unnoticed. These deaths are not reported on the front pages (or any other pages) of the mainstream newspapers. These deaths are so much a part of everyday reality for millions of ordinary people in the U.S. that they are not even news. Nor are the facts that 102 million people have insufficient health care coverage, that 44 per cent of terminally ill patients worry about how they or their families are going to pay their medical bills, that the inability to pay medical bills is a primary cause of family bankruptcy in the U.S., and that more than 50 per cent of spending on health care by elderly Americans is still not covered by Medicare – the federal program that was supposed to alleviate the health-care-related worries, concerns and anxieties of our elders.

None of these facts are news. Again, they are so much a part of everyday life that they are not considered newsworthy( – unlike Haiti).

And there are many other, closely related facts that rarely appear in the news media. One such fact is that the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, among the most profitable industries in the U.S., are largely responsible for the scandalous situation of the medical care non-system. Besides the “military-industrial complex,” responsible for the Iraq and Vietnam wars, there is an “insurance-pharmaceutical industrial complex,” responsible for the war at home – an industrial complex that is frequently behind the news programs that so rarely report on this war.

The insurance and pharmaceutical industries are extremely profitable. In 2007, insurance company profits were $12 billion and pharmaceutical industry profits $40 billion, among the highest industry profits in the U.S. and in the world. And this insurance-pharmaceutical complex holds enormous economic, political and media power in our country.

For example, the economic power of the pharmaceutical industry is used to create artificially high prices for its products. Just one example: Lanzoprasol, a widely used gastric-secretion-reducing medicine, costs $329 in Baltimore, Maryland, but (for the same product, same dose) $9 in Barcelona, Spain (yes, you read correctly: $9).

(Please, no BS platitudes on how the U.S. drugs are somehow “superior and safer” to anywhere else in the world. The conventional medical “health” care system is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.)

How can this situation be tolerated? Because, in the U.S., economic power means political power, and political power is facilitated by privatization of the electoral process.

(See Fox News complicity with Monsanto and Supreme Court Rulings: “Falsifying news is not against the law” and “Justices, 5-4, Reject Corporate {Political} Spending Limit {on Candidate Elections}” at Evil Seeds)

These industries buy and influence the political process by donating money to leading politicians whose decisions affect their interests. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the insurance industry contributed $2,185,727 and the drug industry $1,927,159 to the Obama campaign.

(What? The same industries that caused the problem want Obama to solve it with “Universal Health Care?” Not really. Whatever sympathy Obama and all other sell-out politicians “show” for public outcry against corporate influence of politics is only rhetoric.)

The economic and political power of these industries could not be sustained or reproduced, however, without their media power, through their funding of medical and health news and programs in the broadcasting industry (including CNN) that promote their views.

All of this leads me to the Obama administration’s choice to head the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). First, let me clarify what the USPHS is: This body (with 6,000 health professionals) is the federal agency in charge of the U.S. government institutions and programs responsible for taking care of the population’s public health needs. It is also responsible for the federal research institutes, such as the National Institutes of Health. In addition, the Obama administration has decided that the head of the USPHS will play a leading role on the task force in charge of reforming the nation’s health care.

The person chosen by President Obama to fill this position is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon at Emory Medical School in Atlanta and chief health correspondent for CNN. Dr. Gupta hosts a health program on CNN, sponsored by the medical and pharmaceutical industries, that popularizes today’s medical “miracles” and medical interventions. The program tends to focus on new technologies in clinical medicine and on preventing disease through changes in individual behavior.

You are unlikely to see on this program any reports on the human tragedies caused by the nation’s insurance-based health care non-system, or on the economic abuses of the pharmaceutical industry.

The program is presented very smoothly and attractively by Dr. Gupta – described by People as one of the sexiest men in the U.S.A. Gupta also hosts other medical-industry-sponsored TV programs and writes a column in Time. He also co-hosts Turner Private Network’s monthly show Accent Health, which airs in doctors’ offices around the country and is a major conduit for targeted ads from the pharmaceutical industry.

And, according to Physicians for a National Health Program, in 2003 he downplayed the concerns of the medical community about Vioxx, which was removed from the market a year later by its manufacturer, Merck.

Gupta lent support to John McCain’s position that in the U.S., buying private health insurance in the open market is a viable option for most Americans, which is profoundly inaccurate. For the vast majority of people who are without health benefits coverage, it is because they or their employers cannot afford to pay the premiums and costs involved.

On his CNN program, Gupta tried to discredit Michael Moore’s documentary film Sicko, which is critical of the insurance-based U.S. health care system, by accusing Moore of presenting incorrect facts and manipulating data – strong accusations aimed at challenging Moore’s credibility. The problem with Gupta’s critique was that, as Paul Krugman noted, it was not Michael Moore but Sanjay Gupta who had his facts wrong and clearly manipulated the data and their presentation.

Gupta gave erroneous figures on per capita expenditures and on health indicators in the U.S. and other countries (including Cuba), and he did not correctly identify one of the individuals on his program who was critical of Moore’s documentary: Gupta presented him as an academic, but, in fact, he was a Republican consultant to the insurance industry.

Gupta showed a remarkable ignorance about the health care systems in several European countries. He tried to dismiss France’s universal health care program (defined by WHO as the best in the world) as nonviable economically. He reproduced the widely held erroneous belief that the universal and extensive welfare states in European countries are making their economies very uncompetitive.

He stressed that the cost of universal health care in France is creating a public deficit that is a huge handicap to that country’s economic development. In fact, in percentage terms, the U.S. government deficit is larger than the French government deficit and, according to Davos (the Vatican of neo-liberal thought), the French economy is as competitive as the U.S. economy, with higher productivity than the U.S.

Moreover, the public medical care expenditures per capita are larger in the U.S. than in France. While France provides comprehensive benefits to its population, the U.S. does not. With a smaller amount of public funds, France and the majority of developed countries provide comprehensive coverage that will be a dream for the majority of our people.

(Therefore, if Gupta is not ignorant, then he is guilty of spreading lies and propaganda.)

I find it highly worrisome that Dr. Sanjay Gupta is likely to be appointed head of the USPHS. He is not an expert on public health and is not sufficiently knowledgeable, or competent, to do the job. Training and experience in neurosurgery do not provide the public health knowledge that the position requires.

But, what is far more alarming is that he will most likely be the media spokesperson for the task force on health care reform. And this means that a person hostile to a single-payer system (the type of system that has most support among people in the U.S.); a person clearly unsympathetic to the principle of the government’s guaranteeing universality of health care coverage; a person who is part of the media that have been obfuscating, negating, and avoiding the real problems in health and medical care in this country, will be in control of selling the message of change in U.S. medical care. Is this the change we were promised by candidate Obama?

(Remember Evil Seeds. Good looking, high profile Dr. Gupta is not morally or ethically superior to you or anyone else. He is the turncoat Indian who thinks he’s a white boy, yet sees himself superior to anyone else as if he’s an Indian Prince in Bollywood.)

For the good of the country, I hope President Obama will be a leading force for change in our medical care non-system. The way of funding and organizing medical care in the U.S. is simply wrong. It is not only that 46 million people do not have any form of insurance, but that the majority of health benefits coverage offered by the insurance industry is, besides expensive, insufficient.

As it now stands, the system cannot be shifted toward guaranteeing the basic human right of access to health care in time of need without confronting the insurance-pharmaceutical complex. And the extent of commitment to this human right can be measured by the degree to which President Obama is willing to confront this industrial complex.

A final note. I paid special attention to President Obama’s call for a sense of patriotism in his eloquent inaugural address. Love of country is something we can measure. And one measure is the degree to which government guarantees that ordinary people have the right to access to health care. Without that right, the U.S. will not be seen as a credible voice for human rights in the world. It is as simple as that.

It is an indicator of how far we have to go that, currently, our major credential for being a country that respects human rights is a guarantee by the Obama administration that the U.S. government will not “officially” torture.

Noble though this purpose is, it is a rather limited and unambitious promotion of a nation’s image. It would have created a much better image, at home and abroad, if, on his first day in office, President Obama had signed an executive order committing our government to establishing the human right of access to health care in time of need for every person living in the U.S. – complying, at last, with the United Nations declaration on human rights that – at least until now – the U.S. government has never respected.

Vicente Navarro, M.D., PhD., professor of Health Policy at The Johns Hopkins University and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Health Services.

The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institutions with which he is affiliated.

Dr Navarro can be reached at vnavarro at hsph dot edu


Obama is correct then: The Universal Health Care Bill does not serve Obama. At a total (known) contribution of US$4,112,886 to Obama’s Campaign, Obama and “Universal Health Care” would obviously serve big pharma and the insurance companies because the terms of that “health care” would be under their auspices, not yours, not mine, or even Obama’s.

Obama and all other illuminati heads of state do have masters whom they must serve, don’t they? But even cronies need cronies, right Gupta?

Thanks for your time,


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