Weather Control Technology: Anomalous Energy Signatures

Weather Control Technology: Anomalous Energy Signatures

If weather control is real, what is the intention of the people doing it?

weather control technology
  1. How is the Weather Controlled?
  2. Why would anyone want to control the weather?
    • What is the objective of controlling hurricanes?
  3. 1978 United Nations Treaty on Weather Control Warfare
  4. Chronology of Discoveries and Events... 1886-2004
  5. Hurricane Ivan Satellite Photos
  6. How did Isabel compare to Ivan?
  7. Video: Anomaly Over Texas, 26 July 2018
  8. Video: Energy Pulses Aimed at Cyclones, 7 August 2018
  9. How to Make a Storm on the Sun!!
  10. The Living Earth by Paul Babcock
  11. Safety Resources for Disaster Preparedness
  12. Comment on this Article

How is the Weather Controlled?

Climate engineering or weather control warfare is dismissed in a form of cathexis by the average layman because it is beyond his comprehension, yet weather modification is on of those esoteric technologies that has been around for decades affecting all life on this planet. If you have visited the page on the Hutchison Effect, then you know that certain type of electromagnetic (EM) radiation can have Anomalous physical effects on the surroundings - including people. These people are simply unfortunate enough to live near high power transformers while they suffer the ill effects of EM radiation.

Focused research and development on EM technological advances in the form of longitudinal magneto dielectric waves better known as scalar (Ʃ) waves has proven far more useful for weather modification as you shall discover. Please examine this scalar wave science fair project for a reference.

Aerosol spraying in the upper atmosphere is the most recognized form of climate engineering for mitigating solar radiation (because of ozone depletion); they are best known as "chemtrails" to laymen including the mainstream media. Please see Geoengineering: Are they Chemtrails or Contrails? for further reference. Metal nano-particles within these aerosols can actually be modulated upon EM and Ʃ waves to take on different patterns for different purposes as demonstrated at this article on geoengineering.

Why would anyone want to control the weather?

What is the objective of controlling hurricanes?

In this report, we examine a chronology of advances in applied electromagnetics with concurrent, corresponding weather patterns using Composite Satellite Radar Summary Maps from different sources. Since the turn of the 20th Century, climate control engineers from certain companies (Raytheon, Yakuza...) and Gov'ts (Japan, Russia, USA...) have controlled weather patterns so precisely that they have been weaponized.

We define a conventional weapon as a device that can incapacitate or kill a victim. What we usually don't think about is the nature of unconventional weapons such as electromagnetic (EM) or scalar (Ʃ) field weapons. Notice that I use sigma, Ʃ, to indicate a scalar field weapon; this is because it requires a summation of wave sources to cause constructive or destructive interference in the atmosphere. The most ignominious use of such an energy weapon would be multi-faceted such as widening the deserts, agro-economic devastation, and biological culling.

Weather Warfare has had immediate and gradual effects, both direct and indirect, throughout the decades. Many people have been killed outright from modified weather patterns consisting of drought, heatwaves, floods and tornadoes. Millions more have been affected culturally, economically, and physically.

If you have noticed, computer-oriented careers are more economically attractive to younger generations; at the same time, the presiding industries close more doors to education and opportunities in the advanced physical sciences and applied physics. Therein, we see the effectiveness of using weather modification as a weapon while keeping the next generations in the dark with little pleasures and trivial pursuit.

Over a period of time, with weather changing all around, several goals could be realized by someone who could control the weather. We have listed some of these goals below:

  1. People could be convinced to move out of areas that seem to be most often affected by the change in the weather patterns. Since our government is actively trying to implement the United Nations' Biodiversity Treaty which envisions that fully 50% of all of the United States be put off limits to any kind of human activity, a weather weapon would be of immense use to the perpetrator who would claim that abandoned territory for his own person gain. Please see the following map, "As required by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Wildlands Project, UN and US Man and Biosphere Programs, and World Heritage Program as a Vital Step in Attaining Sustainable Development:"

  2. Simulated Reserve and Corridor System to Protect Biodiversity

  3. People could be convinced to abandon an entire city if that city were repeatedly threatened with such weather phenomenon like incessant flooding, earthquakes, or even volcanoes. Mount St. Helens may be the most successful experiment to date in the United States. The Mount St. Helens Eruption was a devastating event with extensive news coverage. If this is an active volcano, then why don't we hear about Mount St. Helens anymore?
  4. If once fertile farmland were rendered useless by repeated severe drought, people would abandon the area with little or no resistance. Weather Warfare can destroy the entire biota of a geographical area, thus making life as we know it in that region totally impossible. The biota is the sum total of the ecosystem of a geographical area. A good example of a biota is the unique desert type of ecosystem found in the Southwestern United States. The Southeast and Midwest might also be other examples of a different type of biota.
  5. People could be starved so regularly that they will voluntarily submit to Population Control measures to which they might strenuously object under more normal circumstances. (See World Depopulation Policy)
  6. People who are nearly starving or who are under constant weather threat might accept a change in government to which they might resist with all their being under more normal circumstances.
  7. If a nation is under attack from foreign enemies, coupled with economic collapse, coupled with turmoil in our cities, a weather disaster or a series of weather disasters, might just be the event which pushes people over the edge in panic - thus, increasing the possibility of martial law and most certainly increasing our motivation to seek war with other nations in conquest of resources...

1978 United Nations Treaty on Weather Control Warfare

When we read the text of the 1978 United Nations treaty forbidding a nation from using "Environmental Modification Techniques" (Weather Warfare technology) against other nations in the world, we must assume "Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances In Tesla Technology" is correct in its assertions:

1978 United Nations Ratified Treaty on Weather Warfare

Chronology of Discoveries and Events Related to Climate Engineering and Weather Modification

The following is a chronological archive of scientific advances related to weather control. Quotes are from: "Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances In Tesla Technology," by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich, Earthpulse Press, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995. The archive includes newspaper and magazine accounts since 2000 (Y2K) which documents emerging patterns in human history due to extreme weather patterns.

The composite radar summaries provide motion graphics overlaid on maps. These summaries show Anomalous, highly organized energy bursts and focused patterns which are clearly not fractals of nature. Since these summaries are composited from different satellites showing the same types of energy bursts and patterns, they cannot be blamed on radar glitches. There is the the possibility of "Foto-Shopping," wherein, you must examine the logic of the data for yourself as a scientist.

1886-88: Nikola Tesla invents a system of Alternating Current (AC) power source and transmission system. As 60-pulse-per-second (Hertz) AC power grids spread over the land ... Earth's standing EM Waves would eventually dance to a different beat than her intended 7-8 Hertz base frequency, later to be known as the Schumann Resonances (SR), a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth surface and the ionosphere..

1900: Tesla applied for patent on a device to Transmit Electrical Energy Through Natural Mediums. In 1905, the U.S. Patent Office issue Patent #787,412 for this purpose. The technology to transmit electrical power without wires exists. Tesla's intention was for the generation and transmission of electricity for free! Of course, a lot of dollars of profit would immediately vanish from the centralized power companies, so Tesla's discovery was never made public.

1924: Confirmation that radio waves bounce off 'ionosphere 1' (an electrically charged layer starting at an altitude of 50 kilometers).

1938: Scientist proposes to light up night sky by electron gyrotron heating from a powerful transmitter. Powerful electron heaters were arranged to output tens of millions of watts of electricity at Extremely Low Frequencies; this type of Weather Warfare was the major reason we are experiencing Global Warming! This warming has nothing to do with any Industrial pollutants or emissions - and certainly not from cow flatulance - as New Age extremists have claimed. Climate engineers work closely with the NOAA to make weather predictions, then they deliver them!

1940: Tesla announces 'death ray' invention. (e.g. the Tunguska Event) Our military had the capability to create a defense shield over our continent using Tesla Technology.

1943: The Philadephia Experiment began with the help of Nikola Tesla.

1945: Atomic bomb tests begin -- 40,000 electromagnetic pulses to follow.

1947: Around 1947, Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device including a type of radiosonde that would perform Deadly Orgone busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR) that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source). The government sent the device up into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm.

Trevor James Constable was an advanced student of Dr. Reich. Please see his report under related posts entitled "Real Rain Making" wherein you can see climate engineering technology at work.

How the Montauk Project was involved with Weather Control

The Montauk Project was a combination of Wilhelm Reich's work and the Philadelphia Experiment. Within Dr. Reich's FBI File, `Quack` and `crackpot` are some of the terms used in what is supposed to be an objective and impartial record; this record is provided through the 'Freedom of Information Act' 10 years after Reich proved the reality of his device to the U.S. Gov't, but he objected to its use in warfare. Albert Einstein was also under investigation by the FBI back then with over 1400 pages of documentation, as was Nikola Tesla before him.

There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One: The Philadelphia Experiment and the development of Wilhelm Reich's Weather Modification. Towards the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich's concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the "radiosonde" project, they combined the two elements and used them for 'Mind Control'...

1952: Winfried Otto Schumann identified 7.83 Hertz as a resonant frequency of the Earth.

1958: Van Allen Radiation Belts discovered (zones of charged particles trapped in earth's magnetic field) 2,000+ miles up. Violently disrupted in the same year.

1958: Project Argus: U.S. Navy explodes three nuclear bombs inside Van Allen belt.

1958: White House advisor on weather modification says Defense Department studied ways to manipulate charges of 'earth and sky, and so affect the weather.'.

1960: Series of weather disasters begin. Children's books in the 1960's described how clouds were being seeded with silver iodide crystals to help induce rain.

1961: Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments. In 1960's, the dumping of chemicals (barium powder, etc.) from satellites and rockets began.

1961-62: U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. created many electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) in the atmosphere. 300 megatons of nuclear devices depleted the ozone layer by about 4%. Was ozone layer depletion done intentionally by both Russian and American governments using nuclear detonations? Why did they measure the extent of the ozone depletion and the time it lasted? Were these predictive tests?

1962: Launch of Canadian satellites and start of stimulating plasma resonances by antennas within the space plasma.

1966: Gordon J.F. MacDonald published military ideas on environmental engineering.

1960's: In Wisconsin, U.S. Navy Project Sanguine installed a network of extremely low frequency (ELF) antennae with the understanding that the Navy needed this ELF capability to communicate with their submarines in a way that would be secure from enemy attack. However, the ELF antennae network may be serving a dual purpose...

1968: Moscow scientists told the West that they have pinpointed which pulsed magnetic field frequencies help mental and physiological functions and which frequencies do harm. Why was there this unusual cooperation between Russia and America at the height of the Cold War?

1972: First reports on 'ionospheric heater' experiments with high frequency radio waves at Arecibo [Alaska]. A 100 megawatt heater in Norway built later in the decade changed the conductivity of the auroral ionosphere.

1973: Documentation that the launch of Skylab 'halved the total electron content of the ionosphere for three hours' (by rocket exhaust gases).

1974: United Nations General Assembly banned environmental warfare. Why is there a U.N. Treaty banning Weather Warfare unless such technology already exists and has been proven effective?

1974: High frequency experiments at Plattsville, Colorado Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and in Armidale, New South Wales. These experiments heated the 'bottom side of the ionosphere.

1974: Experiments -- airglow brightened by hitting oxygen atoms in ionosphere with accelerated electrons.

1975: Stanford professor Robert Helliwell reported that very low frequency (VLF) from power lines is altering the ionosphere.

1975: U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forced the Navy to release research showing that extremely low frequency (ELF) transmissions can alter human blood chemistry. Altering blood chemistry is the nature of the Navy's particular ELF energy transmissions.

1975: U.S. Senator Pell, Senate Subcommitted, urged that weather and climate modification work should be overseen by a civilian agency answerable to the U.S. Congress; this didn't happen. Senator Pell urged the United States to sign the United Nations treaty banning Weather Warfare.

1975: Soviets began pulsing 'Woodpecker' extremely low frequency (ELF) waves at key brainwave rhythms (10 Hz). Eugene, Oregon, was one of the locations where Woodpecker was aimed, and where people were particularly affected.

1976: Drs. Susan Bawin and W. Ross Adey showed that nerve cells are affected by ELF fields.

1978: U.N. Treaty banning Weather Warfare was ratified, but to what avail?

1979: Launch of NASA's third High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory caused large scale, artificially induced depletion in the ionosphere. The plasma hole was caused by 'rapid chemical processes' between rocket exhaust and the ozone layer. The ionosphere was significantly depleted over a horizontal distance of 300 km for some hours.

1985: Bernard J. Eastlund applied for patent 'Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere'. (First of three Eastlund patents assigned to ARCO Power Technologies, Inc.)

1986: U.S. Navy Project Henhouse duplicated the Delgado (Madrid) experiment -- very low level, very low frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm chick embryos.

1980's: In the latter part of the decade, the U.S. began the network of Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers. Each tower was to generate Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves. The GWEN towers induced an atmospheric disturbance in the American Midwest that precipitated rain for 40 days and nights in 1993. GWEN towers were located dead center of this Biblical type of weather system. On a side note, GWEN towers were located along the San Andreas fault in California and Nevada...

1987-1992: Other ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI) scientists built upon Eastlund patents for development of new weapon capabilities.

1994: Military contractor, E-systems, bought APTI, holder of Eastlund patents and contracted to build the biggest ionospheric heater in the world, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP). Even though construction of HAARP towers in Alaska began before this date, this was the time the decision was made to make it as large as it is now today, over 40 acres of ELF towers.

1994: Congress froze the funding on HAARP until planners increased the emphasis on earth penetrating tomography uses, for nuclear counterproliferation efforts.

1995: Congress budgeted $10 million for 1996, under "nuclear counterproliferation" efforts for HAARP project; this confirmed that the U.S. Government was in firm control of HAARP.

1994-96: Testing of first stage of HAARP equipment continued...

1996: HAARP planners tested the earth penetrating tomography applications by modulating the electrojet at ELF frequencies. Were there any severe or unusual geophysical or atmospheric patterns in 1996 and beyond? What do key military personnel know about this technology?

"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves" So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."¹

¹{Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, April 28, 1997.}

1998: Projected date for fully operating HAARP system. There was unusually severe weather in 1997 and 1998 which coincided with the completion of the HAARP system. Please be aware that we are part of the same ecosystem wherein human society is affected by weather patterns. Further patterns emerged affecting nations worldwide:

News Brief: 10-12-00 - Fifty million children are living in poverty in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union according to a study from international development organization, the European Children`s Trust

The report states that hunger and poverty in the countries of the former Soviet Union are now at levels approaching those in the developing world. Within the region, the numbers of those living in poverty are more than 12 times what they were 10 years ago. The proportion of the population living in poverty is as high as 88% in Kyrgyzstan and between 60 and 66% in Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Moldova. The report called The Silent Crisis highlights the plight of children and warns that poverty is driving a social breakdown forcing many families to leave their children in state orphanages to ward off malnutrition. The Trust says a crisis has been building since Russia suffered an economic meltdown in 1998 when the old communist system disappeared, causing a sudden relaxation of price controls coupled with widespread privatization of industry. Production fell, inflation soared, and the safety nets provided by the old regime simply evaporated, said the organization. The Trust suggests that rather than direct aid, the West should help the expansion of services. Fiona Werge, BBC News

News Brief: 10-17-00 - Nearly one in six people in the world do not get enough to eat, an annual UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report on world hunger has revealed.

Somalia, Afghanistan, and Haiti rank as the hungriest countries in the world, according to the report. The agency said that, out of a world population of more than six billion, ``826 million people still do not get enough to eat in a time of unprecedented plenty.`` Nations attending the 1996 World Food Summit pledged to reduce the number of hungry people to 400 million by 2015, but the FAO report says progress has been so slow that it now predicts the target cannot be achieved before 2030. The report found that Asia has the largest population of hungry people, but food insecurity is most severe in sub-Saharan Africa, with notable deficiencies in 19 out of 46 countries. High levels of hunger contributes to infant mortality rates and low life expectancy, but this year`s report also found that women tend to suffer the most. The FAO advocates the promotion of political stability, sustainable economic growth and agricultural research to eradicate hunger. CNN

News Brief: 11-02-00 - Over four-fifths of Afghanistan`s citizens are entirely dependent on agriculture for survival

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has announced that its food stocks in Afghanistan will run out in February and needs an additional 115,000 tons of food aid in order to stave off starvation brought on by the worst drought in three decades. 12 million people are expected to be affected by the drought, with the WFP attempting to feed the worst three million. The organization has said that without new food donations, up to 1 million could starve in the pre-harvest months ahead. A plea was made last summer for food donations, but they received pledges for only half the assistance requested. BBC News

Composite Radar Summaries, November 2000 to November 2001

Hexoganal Pattern in Cloud Formations, North West United States, November 17, 2000

Circular Energy Burst, Centered on Southern Saskatchewan covering North Dakota and Northern Montana, November 28, 2000

Concentric Ring Energy Burst, Centered on Rhode Island, February 07, 2001 @10:45 a.m.

Concentric Ring Energy Burst, Centered on Rhode Island, February 07, 2001 @3:33 a.m.

Circular, High Pressure Energy Burst, Centered on Florida Coast, February 24, 2001 @3:15 p.m.

Zoomed: Circular, High Pressure Energy Burst, Centered on Florida Coast, February 24, 2001 @3:15 p.m.

Low Pressure, Concentric Ring Energy Burst, Centered on Yuma, AZ, April 19, 2001 @2:34 p.m.

High Pressure, Circular Energy Burst, Centered on Yuma, AZ, April 19, 2001 @4:00 p.m.

High Pressure Energy Burst leads to Precipitation, Centered on Dodge City, CO, April 20, 2001, 6:30 a.m. - 7:55 a.m.

High Pressure, Semi-Circular Energy Burst, Precipitation Changes Direction, Centered along East Coast, USA, April 20, 2001, @2:29 a.m.

High Pressure, Circular Energy Burst with Low Pressure Eye, Centered on Idaho, USA, April 24, 2001, @5:15 p.m.

Low Pressure, Concentric Ring, Energy Burst, Centered on New York, USA, April 24, 2001, @4:03 p.m.

High Pressure, Circular Energy Focus, Centered on Dover, MD, USA, April 29, 2001, 9:56 p.m - 11:18 p.m.

Varied, Organized Pressure Sector Energy Burst, Off Central California Coast, USA, June 01, 2001, @2:14 p.m

Low Pressure Circular Energy Burst, Covers Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North Dakota, Northern Montana, June 06, 2001

News Brief: 9-26-01 - US donations in the 12 months ending Sunday will total 240,000 metric tons, up from 135,000 last year

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Ruud Lubbers called for the creation of a `humanitarian coalition` to help Afghani refugees in the event of an attack by the United States. ``If there is to be a military coalition, there should also be a humanitarian coalition,`` Lubbers said. The UNHCR urged Afghanistan`s neighbors to reopen their borders to new refugees and appealed for an immediate $6 million in emergency aid to deal with a new flow of refugees, particularly toward Pakistan. Approximately 7 million Afghani people, almost a third of the total population, rely on international aid for survival inside the country. The US is shipping 100,000 metric tons of wheat to feed refugees, fulfilling a pledge made just days before the September 11 terrorist attacks. The US supplies about 80 percent of the food donated to Afghanistan. {Associated Press}

High Pressure Rays Energy Focus, Weather System Assumes a Spiral Pattern, Centered on Nebraska, USA,
November 24, 2001, 12:50 p.m. - 1:07 p.m.

News Brief: 10-22-02 - Population and Natural Resources at the Turn of the Millennium

Currently, 434 million people face either water stress or scarcity. Depending on future rates of population growth, between 2.6 billion and 3.1 billion people may be living in either water-scarce or water-stressed conditions by 2025. For tens of millions of people in the Middle East and in much of Africa today, the lack of available fresh water is a chronic concern that is growing more acute and more widespread. The problem is worse than it often appears on the ground, because much of the fresh water now used in water-scarce regions comes from deep aquifers that are not being refreshed by the natural water cycle. In most of the countries where water shortage is severe and worsening, high rates of population growth exacerbate the declining availability of renewable fresh water. While 25 countries currently experience either water stress or scarcity, between 36 and 40 countries are projected to face similar conditions by 2025... {Robert Engelman with Richard P. Cincotta, Bonnie Dye, Tom Gardner-Outlaw and Jennifer Wisnewski}

News Brief: 8-14-03 East Coast BlackOut, August 14, 2003

Severe blackout in the North Eastern region of the United States on August 14, week of the 60th anniversary of the Philidelphia Experiment.

2003: 1943: 2003 was a peak of the 20 year biorhythm of the earth which allows transdimensional crossovers utilizing the necessary technology (see links above under the Montauk Project). August 12th fell on a Thursday in 1943 - so did August 14th in 2003. Coincidence?

Mid-West Radar Composite Summaries, January 2004 + March 2004

Low Pressure, Circular Energy Bursts focused between Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, USA, January 31, 2004, 12:45 a.m. - 3:07 a.m.

Low Pressure Build Up into High Pressure, Circular Energy Bursts centered at Illinois, USA, January 31, 2004, 1:56 a.m. - 3:15 a.m.

Low Pressure Circular Energy Burst, Central California Coast, USA, March 11, 2004

2004: Hurricane Charley hit Florida extremely hard causing massive damage to certain areas. The aftermath of this storm produced strange and contradictory stories:

NEWS BRIEF: "Charley's Force Took Experts by Surprise," My Way News, August 14, 2004

"Hurricane Charley's 145-mph force took forecasters by surprise and showed just how shaky a science it still is to predict a storm's intensity - even with all the latest satellite and radar technology ... Charley quickly grew from a Category 2 to a Category 4 storm Friday and its course took a sharp turn to the right, which put it some 70 miles south of the originally projected bull's-eye. With so much media focus on Tampa and St. Petersburg, many residents in and around Punta Gorda were caught unprepared. The hurricane left at least 15 people dead in its wake - a wake that might not have been nearly as big if the storm had stuck to its original path and struck the big evacuated cities farther up the coast. All along, the hurricane center had issued warnings for coastal residents from the Keys all the way up to Tampa Bay, said hurricane center meteorologist Robbie Berg.

" 'We're kind of surprised that people were caught by surprise,' he said. Although Charley's path had the storm heading toward the Tampa area, Berg said the warning swath encompassed a much larger area - as far south as Punta Gorda, in fact. The swathe takes into account any errors, he said. 'We were not saying Tampa. We were saying the west coast of Florida,' Berg said. The media's fixation with 'Tampa' gave the public the wrong idea, he noted. Everyone had 'ample warning,'' Berg said. 'It's just unfortunate that certain people didn't evacuate.' Charley's turn to the right was not a big deviation, but because the hurricane was moving parallel to the coast, it ended up making a big difference in the landfall area, Berg said. The difference wouldn't have been nearly as extreme if the storm had been moving perpendicular to the coast, he said."

Mainstream Media reports were focused on the Tampa Bay Area as the forecasted point of impact for this hurricane. Many people in the Punta Gorda area felt that they were far enough from the storm that they did not need to evacuate. Many of them had no chance to hear any different forecast because the electricity to their area was mysteriously cut off 5-6 hours before the storm struck:

NEWS BRIEF: "More From Lawgiver" Rumor Mill News, 17 August 2004

"Why was the electricity shut off between 9-10 on the morning of Friday the 13th in all Punta Gorda residential areas? Charley didn't arrive there until about 3:00 pm in the afternoon. They hadn't even confirmed the sudden path change heading to there until about 2:00 pm. They cut power in Port Charlotte at about the same time with the exception of the separate power grid that runs down US 41 and I-75 where traffic lights were still operating when Charley got there. Why cut off all the area power and deliberately leave the main highways with power?

Tens of thousands of the people living in the bulls-eye of the hurricane did not hear that the storm had doubled in intensity and had changed course because they had no electricity.

Even though the official (mainstream media) death count was only 22, many people on the scene reported that the toll had to be much, much higher:

NEWS BRIEF: "Florida Eyewitness Death Count Close To 400 Now,", 19 August 2004

"What an eye-awakening day this was. I thought that I had seen it all, having been involved from Viet Nam to the beginning of Desert Storm in my military and civilian law enforcement career, but today I learned about a new part of the shame game. For those who won't bother to read all this report, let me spell out the body counts that 6 of us (all retired military and/or law enforcement) went out to confirm today in different areas. These are confirmed bodies in the trucks, restaurant refers, or refer vans, and they are NOT 'missing persons' or animals:

Charlotte Harbor areas - 58 dead as of 5pm today; Fort Myers & the barrier islands - 21 deaths as of 3pm today; Punta Gorda - 275+ deaths and escalating each hour; Desoto County - 36 deaths, expected to increase.

"These figures came from our own eyes, medical personnel, various county sheriff's deputies, and eye witnesses or residents from the worst devastated areas. CNN and the rest of the world biased and controlled media are fooling none of us who live here. The current CONFIRMED body count in our 3 county area on the west coast of Florida is near 400 as I write this."

Sadly, we may never know the extent of the damage, death, and destruction.

Hurricane Frances churned toward the south and east coast of Florida, then hit Florida City. Even though Frances was downgraded to a Category 3 storm, she still caused devastation in her path at miles per hour and was later strengthened back to a Category 4.

Frances hit the Florida coast some time in the early afternoon on Saturday, September 4 following Charley by exactly 22 days. Also coincidental of Hurricane Charley was that the storm hit on Friday the 13th of August. Frances followed just 22 days later.

One Accuweather model showed that Frances hit on roughly the opposite side of Florida as Charley. The storm crossed Florida in the opposite diagonal path as did Charley; this projected path crossed the path traversed by Charley. The city of Orlando experienced 105mph winds from Charley ("Mighty Charley loses steam," CNN News, Friday, August 13, 2004); therefore, some residents and homeowners suffered significant damage. Additionally, public officials had not yet removed all the debris that Charley scattered all over the region; Hurricane Frances picked up this debris and threw it like missiles. The situation became very deadly very fast.

Hurricane Charley was steered so she would strike exactly at one of the major Biodiversity locations on the Florida map -- Punta Gordo. As Charley moved diagonally across the state, traveling northeast, he struck two more Biodiversity areas shown on the map as red.

Was there a planned relocation of our population in accordance with the United Nations Biodiversity plan? Do we see evidence that hurricanes were artificially increased in numbers and intensity? Or was 2004 simply a "good year" for hurricanes?

The past nine years had seen a 50% increase in powerful hurricanes over the previous 118-year average. Were climate engineering scientists creating storms of such magnitude that they could be used for "society re-engineering?"

Hurricane, cyclone, and typhoon activity was hitting worldwide.

NEWS BRIEF: "Storms wreak havoc worldwide," Mail & Guardian Online, 01 September 2004

"Japan's death toll from Typhoon Chaba rose to 13 on Wednesday as another powerful Pacific storm threatened to hit its southern island of Okinawa. Another four people are missing since Chaba hit Japan on Monday and wrought havoc across much of the country, flooding homes, uprooting trees and causing transport chaos.The typhoon is the third deadly storm to hit the country in two weeks."

Multiple typhoons hit Japan in two weeks; Frances followed Charley in just 22 days.

"Typhoon Songda is also threatening to make landfall on Japan. Songda lashed several islands in the Northern Marianas chain on Wednesday, sending the tiny population fleeing into Japanese World War II bunkers for shelter. Songda battered Pagan and Agrihan islands, which have a combined population of 33 and are at the northern end of the United States territory. Despite winds of 193 kph, officials said there have been no reports of injuries and the main islands of Saipan and Tinian have escaped damage. The Honolulu-based Joint Typhoon Warning Centre said Songda, named after a Vietnamese River, was headed towards the Japanese island of Okinawa and would then move north toward South Korea and southern Japan." [Ibid]

This Asian region had seen its share of powerful typhoons that season, storms that caused great damage. The news brief noted the effects from Bonnie and Gaston in the United States.

"Meanwhile, Richmond, the capital of the US state of Virginia, was cleaning up on Wednesday after tropical storm Gaston stalled over the city, causing widespread flooding and reportedly killing at least five people ... Gaston ... had been expected to pass quickly over the Richmond area. But instead, it stalled for several hours, causing the James River to overflow its banks and flood several low-lying neighborhoods, turning numerous cars into a floating parade." [Ibid.]

In numerous regions of this world, hurricanes are causing havoc, especially against countries which possess an Industrial Civilization.

NEWS BRIEF: "Monster storms increase since '95," Knight Ridder Newspapers, September 3, 2004

"If it seems as if more monster hurricanes, such as the soon-to-strike Frances, are swirling off the U.S. coast, you're right. We're in the midst of a record-breaking decade of hurricane activity... The past nine years, from 1995 through 2003, mark the busiest, most intense nine-year storm period on record, based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's hurricane season index... Since 1995, there's been an average of 13.3 named storms, 7.7 hurricanes and 3.6 major hurricanes (with winds of more than 111 mph) each year. That's 50 percent higher than the 118-year average of 8.6 named storms, 5.1 hurricanes and two major hurricanes a year."

No sooner had Hurricane Frances slogged ashore on the southeastern shore of Florida than reports of a really monstrous hurricane dubbed "Ivan The Terrible" reached our ears. Ivan has the potential to really devastate Florida.

Frances left Florida reeling in chaos, even though her winds weakened considerably and was quickly degraded into a Tropical Storm.

NEWS BRIEF: "Frances leaves Florida reeling in chaos," Gulf News, September 7, 2004

"Weakened after its long rampage through Florida ... Hurricane Frances moved into the Gulf of Mexico early yesterday, leaving chaos in its wake. Storm-weary Floridians emerged from hurricane shelters as Tropical Storm Frances moved off the state's west coast after whipping off roofs, washing sailboats ashore and cutting power to nearly 6 million people. Frances virtually shut down the fourth-largest US state, home to 16 million people, for two days and promised damage not just to buildings but to the state's $53 billion tourism industry on the usually busy Labor Day holiday weekend ... The human toll, in lost housing and livelihoods, will also be great ... The $9.1 billion citrus industry, hard hit by Hurricane Charley last month, was likely to take another blow as the storm moved across the state's best growing regions as a hurricane."

Some estimates of losses, both insured and uninsured, from Bonnie, Charley, and Frances, were in the realm of $20 billion. The state's precious citrus industry was in real danger of being devastated; note the revelation that these storms have "moved across the state's best growing regions." Then came "Ivan The Terrible."

NEWS BRIEF: "'Ivan the Terrible' thrashes Caribbean, 23 dead: The hurricane hits Grenada hard; officials order some evacuations in Florida," By Ian James, The Associated Press, reprinted in the Salt Lake City Tribune, 09/10/2004

"ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - Hurricane Ivan took aim Thursday at Jamaica and possibly Florida after killing 23 people in five countries and devastating Grenada... Ivan, the deadliest hurricane to hit the Caribbean in a decade, pummeled Grenada, Barbados and other southern islands on Tuesday ... was still expected to pound Jamaica, where officials urged a half-million people to evacuate coastal and flood-prone areas... U.S. officials ordered people to evacuate the Florida Keys after forecasters said the storm - the fourth major hurricane of a busy Atlantic season - could hit the island chain by Sunday... The storm left its worse damage in Grenada where from the air it appeared that nearly every house had been ripped up ... of this country of 100,000 people..."

Hurricane Ivan Satellite Photos

Hurricane Ivan, September 12, 2004

Close up of Hurricane Ivan, September 12, 2004

Ivan tore down structures specifically built to withstand Category 5 hurricanes. Furthermore, since the storm had shifted course ever so slightly within 24 hours according to NOAA Storm Track; it appeared that the eye of the storm would not pass over any significant portion of Cuba, thus lessening the chance that it would weaken as it passed over land.

How did Hurricane Isabel compare to Hurricane Ivan?

Hurricane Isabel was a potential 4 or 5 Category Hurricane and hit the U.S. with devastating force. In the next days, Hurricane Isabel attracted a lot of attention; her projected path was followed and she hit the U.S. Mainland very strongly...

Hurricane Isabel devastated an area targeted for "de-population" according to the above UN Biodiversity Map. Were Weather Modification tools responsible for "re-wilding," so that certain areas of the land cannot be inhabited? If so, is "re-wilding" an active solution of the UNESCO Biosphere program?

Close up of Hurricane Isabel, September 12, 2003

Hurricane Ivan, September 12, 2004

Five Hurricanes in four weeks. What is going on, the world wants to know? In the devastation along Ivan's Projected Path, it struck, initially, at Coastal Core Reserve Areas, followed Core Reserves In Northeast Path, and looped around Key Reserve Core Area in the Western Corner of North Carolina. The track of Ivan's Eye followed a path along the "UN Biodiversity: Core Reserves and Corridor System" map.

News Brief: Kp Index Shoots up to 5.5; New M-Class Flare Released by Mitch Battros - ECTV September 15, 2004

As of this morning, the Kp Index has shot up to 5.5 as predicted. Also, a "new" M-Class flare has fired off from sunspot region 672. I would suggest this will work to enhance hurricane "Ivan," which will most likely maintain its category 5 status. There is also a danger this latest solar activity will spawn new tropical storms via increased "ocean and jet stream current" enhancement as per the "equation."

Look for continued aurora in higher to mid latitudes. If you have clear skies, you may be treated to quite a show.

Equation: (Current Solar Data)
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

NEWS BRIEF: "Floods kill 2,000 as Haiti faces a year of disaster,", 24 September 2004

"It now looks certain that more than 2,000 Haitians lost their lives in the flooding that followed Tropical Storm Jeanne last weekend. A similar number drowned in floods in May, caused not by an Atlantic hurricane but simply a light rainstorm that swept away their shanty homes ... Countries and aid organisations are now in what they call a race against time to save the lives of a quarter of a million homeless and starving Haitians who could yet face the wrath of two more storms - Karl and Lisa - swirling across the Atlantic. They have no food, no drinking water, no electricity, no shelter. Some are still living on whatever solid rooftop they could find. Efforts to get food, water, plastic sheeting, blankets and medicines to them are being hampered by remaining floodwaters or mudslides blocking the country's main north-south artery, even at the best of times a potholed two-lane road.

"Human and animal corpses drifted yesterday down the muddy river that was the main street of the north-western town of Gonaives. Many desperate residents filled buckets with the filthy brown water and said they and their children would have to drink it if no potable water arrived ... starving dogs were seen tearing at the limbs of human corpses... the known death toll last night was around 1,100 but a further 1,250 people were missing... While Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, called it a 'natural disaster,' the reality was that the latest flooding, as with last May's inundations in the south of the country along the border with the Dominican Republic, was largely a 'man-made catastrophe.' The relatively low death toll in the Dominican Republic last weekend, 19, told the tale. The Dominicans still have their forests."

Poor management of the soil and the forests in Haiti has resulted in this kind of water devastation. For many decades, Haitians systematically cut down their forest trees to provide the charcoal with which they cooked. This kind of "human activity" is exactly what extreme environmentalists have been screaming about for decades. With most of the advanced nations of the world now accepting as gospel that Global Warming is the force causing such great and violent storms to occur, and that Global Warming is caused by "human activity," environmentalists have to be looking at Haiti as one of the primary examples of "human activity" destroying Mother Earth.

With this much devastation, you can expect turmoil in Haiti:

NEWS BRIEF: "Panic erupts in flood-ravaged Haiti: Mob attacks relief truck," CNN News, September 24, 2004

"GONAIVES, Haiti (AP) -- Survivors who were left with almost nothing after Tropical Storm Jeanne devastated this tiny town buried unclaimed corpses in mud-clogged backyards and attacked aid trucks and even neighbors bringing them food... Hungry and thirsty survivors -- some of whom have lost entire families and everything they own -- were losing patience at the slow pace of relief. Knee-deep mud sucked up animal carcasses and sharp pieces of torn-off zinc roofs, as well as human excrement after the sanitation system was destroyed. Limes have become a hot item in the devastated city of 250,000 because people hold them to their noses to relieve the stench... This week's floods were made far worse by massive deforestation that left surrounding valleys unable to hold the rain unleashed by some 30 hours of pounding by Jeanne..."

"Chilean-led peacekeepers were ferrying in aid by helicopter. Relief agencies got through what they could over damaged roads. But many people, howling in hunger and anger, were turned away when supplies ran out ... On Thursday, the U.S. government said it would provide more than $2 million -- an increase from $60,000 that some criticized for its paucity. Health workers feared an outbreak of waterborne diseases."

On top of this disaster, Haiti's new government, which was installed after an American-led "regime change," was in danger of losing control over the whole country, a disaster which will only bring more chaos and instability; it seems that the Bush Administration overthrew a targeted regime, but could not rebuild the country. Here was the political aspect of Haiti's agony:

NEWS BRIEF: "Haiti: Smoldering on the Edge of Chaos," Scoop New Zealand News, 24 September 2004

"Six months after the abrupt and violence-laced departure of constitutionally elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and over three months after the deployment of U.N. peacekeeping units which were hailed as an instrument for order and stability in this long-troubled Caribbean island, Haiti remains poised on the edge of chaos. Today, ruled by a bumptious, ineffectual and illegitimate cabal whose only validity is supplied by U.S. fiat, Haiti now faces the imminent de facto reconstitution of its brutal Haitian Armed Forces (FADH)... At the present time, the U.N. presence in Haiti is more myth than fact... Haiti has reached a point of crisis, and decisive intervention is required if any shred of, or hope for, Haitian democracy is to be preserved."

After Hurricane Jeanne devastated Haiti, she turned her sights on Florida once again.

NEWS BRIEF: "350,000 Asked to Evacuate As Jeanne Nears," My Way News, September 24, 2004

"WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane Jeanne trekked westward Friday on a path that could lead to Florida's east coast by Sunday, setting off another round of storm preparations in a state still reeling from three earlier strikes ... More than 350,000 people were asked to evacuate in three Florida counties hit hard by Frances on Sept. 5, and crews along the state's coast worked to remove debris still remaining after that storm, though some said it was a losing battle ... nearly 80 percent of debris remained from Frances, and some streets had 'debris piled up 5 to 6 feet high'."

Having debris stacked up from a former hurricane is a serious problem; the winds from this hurricane can pick up that debris and hurl it through the air like missiles. Some hurricane winds have been known to drive splinters of wood through fence posts. How much more damage could be done if a hurricane picks up more substantial rubbish sitting in piles 5-6 feet high?

"Jeanne could drop up to 10 inches of rain along its route, the weather service said, and fears of more flooding, flying debris and power outages sent shoppers scurrying to grocery and hardware stores for supplies ... The only other time four hurricanes have been known to hit the same state in one season was in Texas in 1886, National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield said ... At 2 p.m., Jeanne was centered about 455 miles east of Miami, moving west at 12 mph, the hurricane center in Miami said. The storm had 100 mph wind and could strengthen as it reaches warmer water closer to Florida's coast. Hurricane-force wind extended 45 miles from the center, and tropical storm wind extended 150 miles." (Ibid.)

Florida citizens reacted with disbelief and frustration:

" 'I know people are frustrated, they're tired of all this,' Gov. Jeb Bush said Friday. 'Trust me, their governor is as well...' An exasperated Margaret McFarlane of Greenacres, who was without power for 12 days after Hurricane Frances, found herself back at the store to stock up on water and food. 'We've already refilled our refrigerators, gotten the debris out of the streets and it's going to happen all over again. I'm not sure how much more people can take,' she said. Retiree Larry Ruby spent Friday morning patching holes in the roof of his mobile home on Hutchinson Island, as a bulldozer cleared Frances' debris. 'I was one of the luckier ones, but this time, who knows?' Ruby said. 'I ain't going anywhere unless they make me. I don't think you can get away from it'." (Ibid.)

For the record, Hurricane Ivan was still thrashing around as a Tropical Storm, lashing parts of the Southwest with heavy rain:

"After looping into the Atlantic and back into the Gulf of Mexico following its initial strike on the Alabama-Florida coast as a hurricane last week, Tropical Storm Ivan washed ashore near the Texas-Louisiana line Thursday night, bringing heavy rain to both sides of the border. While the storm was expected to dissipate as it drifts into Texas this weekend, its rains are expected to persist and cause problems, and flood-prone Houston is in its projected path." (Ibid.)

Were these hurricanes being used and steered in such a manner as to cause many citizens to flee the state and to increase Federal and State control over many aspects of Florida's economy and cultural fabric?

Please read the U.S. Air Force document in which they "forecast" that they will own the weather and be able to use it as a weapon against an enemy by 2025. This report is entitled, "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025". This program research paper was written in 1996, and proves the intention of the U.S. military to so completely control the weather by 2025 that they will have a military edge over every potential enemy. However, in order to perfect a technology, there must be trials and experiments.

Once you understand this fact, you shall be able to understand why the United Nations passed a treaty in October, 1978 which prohibited nations from using Weather Modification techniques as weapons against other nations! The technology to create massive storms, rain in selected locations, droughts, and earthquakes was so far advanced in 1978 that the United Nations passed a treaty forbidding such weather modifications.

A Huge Unusual Anomaly Appeared Over Texas, 26 July 2018

A Huge Unusual Anomaly Appeared Over Texas

Strange Energy Pulses From Antarctica Aim At Two Cyclones, 7 August 2018

Strange Energy Pulses From Antarctica Aim At Two Cyclones - Please also notice the anomalous patterns along the African Ivory Coast...

How to Make a Storm on the Sun!!

extracted from Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar (Ʃ) Electromagnetics

The deepest dangers of the use of scalar weapons are frighteningly pointed out by Col Thomas Bearden here where he considers that the sun, earth and moon (actually the whole solar system) is a delicately balanced arrangement of scalar (Ʃ) EM radiation. There is a scalar connection between the earth and the sun, which are both giant dipoles gushing energy in the time domain. Big scalar events on the earth could alter this balance causing true catastrophe.

"Indeed, a solar response could be stimulated so that the Sun would violently belch and destroy our biosphere, among other effects."

Unrestrained scalar warfare could cause huge solar storms? To realize that human activity could actually affect the sun itself is truly mind boggling. Bearden goes on to say:

"Accordingly, use of huge scalar EM weapons is a double-edged sword. Unless carefully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user as well as the victim, and even accidentally cause the destruction of the earth itself. It is not accidental that in 1960 Khrushchev stated that his new fantastic weapon could -- if unrestrainedly used -- destroy all life on earth.

"This appalling backlash potential is apparently what prompted Brezhnev in 1975 to make so strong an effort to get agreement to outlaw the development of "new weapons of mass destruction" more frightful than the mind of man had even dreamed of. Gromyko even introduced such a draft agreement into the proceedings of the United Nations. The first article of the draft agreement indicated that the nature of the weapons referred to would be negotiated. Sadly, the entire Western world did not know what the Russians were talking about."

Do You Know? Pestilence followed Tsunami, Julia Day, The Guardian

The Asian tsunami attracted more media attention in the first six weeks after it struck than the world`s top 10 ``forgotten`` emergencies did over a whole year, according to a report from Reuters AlertNet. The survey comes just a day after research showed that malaria had become the world`s forgotten killer, with half a billion people suffering from the disease but drawing a fraction of the attention of ``new`` killers such as HIV/Aids. The tsunami, which killed an estimated 300,000 people, has squeezed the already low levels of press coverage of other emergencies, receiving 34,992 citations in the press to the end of February. But in the full year up to then, the next most covered emergency - the conflict in Sudan - generated just a fifth of the tsunami`s coverage, with 7,661 mentions. The other crises ``most neglected`` by the media, chosen by 100 humanitarian relief professionals, are: Uganda, HIV/Aids, west Africa, Colombia, Chechnya, Nepal, Haiti and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.

The Living Earth by Paul Babcock

This is an excellent follow up to The Universal Medium, which covers the Life Force enhancing benefits of the Lakhovsky MWO, which was originally meant to supplement the lack of Earth generated Life Force Energy in different areas.

Paul then takes us on a journey into the basics of the fact that our Universe is electrical, which is not a new idea, but it still runs contrary to much of the conventional astro science. The capacitive nature of stars and living planets is all important when it comes to understanding life force generating mechanisms. Charged dielectric mediums and longitudinal wave propagation are the medium and energy of life.

Radiant energy is discussed in detail and how it plays into the Earth's lifeforce generating mechanism. This is explained in simple terms so a background in the electrical sciences is not necessary. This presentation is for everybody.

Paul goes heavily into atmospheric electricity and our connection to it as well as the various conditions that assist or degrade the life force [mass free energy] or orgone creation process. Some of these natural processes are show in comparison to electrical component equivalents to make it easier to understand.

This presentation leads to us human beings being able to fully realize our potential and this entire process is augmented by enhancing our intake of the life force energy and enhancing these processes around us.

If you haven't already seen The Universal Medium, for only $10 extra, you can get BOTH presentations at a huge discount. And you can use the 10% discount on top of that!!

Get your copy of The Living Earth by Paul Babcock

This science fair report and more are available from A&P Emedia Publications and Presentations [May 2020 Shelter in Place Special - EXPIRES MAY 31st: Get 50% off all 2018-19 A&P Presentations, using coupon code, MAY50 (case sensitive), in the shopping cart for each purchase.]

Review all of the tech presented at 2018 Energy Science & Technology Conference with your own beautiful copy of the 2018 Energy Science Technology Conference Magazine. (Use the Mirror Site if it downloads faster.)

Safety Resources for Disaster Preparedness

  1. How to Prepare for a Winter Storm
  2. Disaster Preparedness for Livestock
  3. Earthquake Proof Your Home: How to Prepare Your Home and Property for an Earthquake
  4. Hurricane Safety Checklists
  5. Storm Spotting for Children: At-Home Meteorology
  6. More Evidence Supporting UN Planned EMP Attack on American Soil, Wednesday, April 18, 2018 6:17 - The particular equipment you are looking at is designed to operate and persevere through an EMP attack... Please take note of the photo collage:

  7. UN EMP Proof Telemetry + Military Backup
  8. Secret Weather Official Admits World Emergency Planned Everywhere! FEMA & HAARP Threat! (Video), Thursday, July 12, 2018 6:23

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